Start from the beginning

Knave feared to imagine what Mendaline had been through to have such sureness in her tone. What had happened to her that she had stopped caring for anyone?

"How long has it been?" Alice asked.

"Three months!" Mendaline replied.

Alice's lips tightened. Though she said nothing, Knave could sense the fury that was building up inside of her. She took a shaky breath. "Cora will be here anytime." She informed them, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "But this time I will be ready!"

Mendaline looked concerned. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing!" Alice replied. "I am going to behave normally and see how far she carries this."

"That is stupidity!" Mendaline chided. Knave couldn't help but agree. Alice should be rushing to come with them.

Alice gave her a plain look. "Running away would be stupidity!" She said. "Wherever I go, Cora would find me and you know you are not strong enough to protect me, Mendaline." She pointed out. Mendaline looked away. Alice continued, "I am going to stay here and try to look for Cora's power source or anything which might make her weak."

"You do not have a lot of time." Mendaline reminded, pointing at Alice's locket.

Alice nodded. "I can do this!" She replied with determination.

Mendaline gave a genuine smile. "That's more like it!" She said. She held up her hand, palm facing out. Suddenly a tiny crystal ball appeared in her hands. She handed the ball to Alice. "Smash this to the ground when you need us." She informed.

Alice nodded and placed the ball in her dress pocket. Knave had not known until now, that her dress had pockets.

Alice shot to her feet and looked directly at Knave, which made his heart skip a beat. "I will be fine." She whispered. She looked around. "I love you all!" Alice said, her voice almost cracking.

Mike and Charlie both gave a small smile, but Knave could see the pain in their eyes. Maria was standing far away in the corner of the room. Her face was buried in her hands, and was shaking as she cried.

Alice looked down at Mendaline, who was still on the floor. She offered her a hand. "You better leave!" She suggested. Mendaline took her hand and Alice helped her up. She looked at her in resignation.

"What?" asked Mendaline, looking conscious

"This is where you say, take care." Said Alice.

Mendaline stared at her. "Will that make you feel good?"

Alice shrugged. "A little."

Mendaline smiled. "Well then, take care, Alice!"

Alice stood where she was for a long time after Mendaline and the others had gone. She supposed she should be turning the house upside down by now, looking for clues or something that could help her defeat Cora, but she just couldn't bring herself to.

Alice did not know how she felt. It was as if her anger towards her mother had reached its highest peak and had suddenly dropped. Now she felt empty and numb. She felt as if all her emotions were suddenly gone.

Alice wanted Knave. She wanted to hear his voice, hug him. She wanted to see the twins. She wanted them to look at her with the same love they always held in their eyes for her. No matter how much she tried to deny it, she also missed Maria's soothing voice.

'The voice she always used to fool you!' Reminded a voice in her mind.

Alice shook her thoughts away. Though she felt miserably alone, there was one person she could definitely turn to. She ran as fast as she could to Tristan's house.

After being informed by Ela that Tristan was not at home, Alice found him sitting on one of the benches near his home park. It had not even taken her a minute to figure out where he was. Alice knew that if not with her, the park was where he usually spent his time. She began to approach him, but then remained standing dead in her tracks as a sudden reminder hit her.

The only childhood friend Alice had ever had was Maria, and then the twins. Which meant not only had Cora removed her memories, but she had also added new ones. The only thing Alice could not understand was why Cora would even bother to add Tristan to her lonely life, when she did not care about her daughter. What motive did she have that compelled her to play with Tristan's feelings? More concerning, was that who was Tristan if not Alice's best friend?

Alice had come to Tristan so that she could relieve her heart of the burden it was crushed under. What she had not realized was, what would happen if she told him that all his memories of her were fake? It was all planted by her mother, who for her own selfish motives, ruined his and his mother's life without even having a second thought. It would break his heart. Worst of all, what if he hated Alice forever?

The thought was enough to make Alice turn back. Unfortunately, before she could, Tristan called out, "Hey Ali!"

Alice turned to face him. She guessed she must've been looking horrible, since his smile disappeared the minute he saw her face. He ran towards her. "Alice, are you okay?" He asked in a concerned voice.

Alice stared at him. No matter how hurtful and sick the truth was, he deserved to know. She could not keep him in the dark. He had a right to know about his life, even if he never spoke to her ever again.

"Alice?" Tristan called out. "I am getting worried now!"

Alice swallowed hard. "Tristan, can we go to your house?" She asked. "There is something I have to tell you."

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