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Dear Lily Evans,

I think you should give me a chance. 

I know you think I'm immature, or a toe-rag (Sirius is bias, don't ask for his opinions now that your 'friends'). Why are you friends with him, anyway? He's like me, if not worse, actually, definitely worse.

At least it isn't the greasy git's friends you're being friends with- though, I don't think they would love to be seen in the presence of a Muggle born (the other word... the one I won't say, is what they would say).

But why Sirius and not me?

You are already friends with Remus, though I can understand that, that prat is a bookworm much like you. He also isn't as fun as us, less crazy as some might say. What I'm trying to say, is Remus is more of a respectable person (even with his furry little condition).

I'm not jealous.

You seem to have a lot of fun together, Remus and Lily, Sirius and Lily. Laughing your heads off, sitting near the fire with no books in sight. Planning pranks and grinning, talking into the night. I guess Peter can be my new best, best friend...

Still not jealous.

Not too much happened this year, like most years, wasn't anything too crazy going on. Exams, too much homework (I feel like there was even more this year, bloody hell!) and lots of pranks... paired with undeserving detentions.

As prefects are being chosen for our ear this summer; can't wait to see you a prefect, Evans! I wonder who the prefect for my dorm will be, it's either Sirius, Peter, Remus or I- none are great choices (best is me though, of course). 

Anyway, you know that guy who's apparently an up and coming that we should all be afraid of? Voldemort's his name, I overhead my dad talking about him during breakfast (then my mum got mad and then he got me butterbeer).

Voldemort isn't in the Daily Prophet- they don't want to scare everyone. In my opinion, I think everyone should know about the threats in the Wizarding World. We should educate everyone and teach them how to defend themselves against the dark arts (with more advanced spells than in Defense Against the Dark Arts).

Though, is he even real? Nothing too bad has even happened again, maybe it's just a prat who's recently graduated Ilvermorny (the American Wizarding school, of course, worse than Hogwarts), looking for fame.

It's not like anyone's seen him.... right? What's he supposed to look like anyway? If no one's seen him, how are we supposed to know which scary monster is trying to kill us? If that guy (or girl) is a monster anyway?

Maybe he doesn't exist and Minchum just doesn't want the future generation to be completely daft- understandable, honestly. Though, I admit, does he really think that we're going to be dumb? The Maruader's are some of the smartest wizards in a long while (this is very much confirmed by an anonymous sources)!

I'm not scared of him.

I still love you, even after four years.


James Potter

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