17 - A sign

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Will POV

I heard a knock at the door, and assuming it was Alexis, I didn't bother putting on a shirt. I thought I didn't need one when it was just her.

"Yes, Natalie, can I help you?" I asked, opening the door.

Her gaze immediately went to my bare chest, and I could see a flicker of interest in her eyes.

"Oh, hi Will. Um, you left this at the beach," she said, twirling her blonde hair with her finger.

It was my phone. I had been looking for that everywhere.

"Oh, thanks Natalie. Was that all?" I inquired, trying to keep the conversation short.

"Um, actually, do you have some water? I'm parched," she requested, sounding somewhat flirtatious.

"Sure, yeah," I replied, slightly taken aback.

I quickly fetched a glass of water and returned to the doorway. However, in my haste, I accidentally tripped, causing the water to spill all over her white, see-through shirt.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Here, let me get some towels," I exclaimed, feeling flustered. I hurriedly searched for towels, hoping to contain the situation and avoid any further embarrassment.

As I turned back to Natalie, I noticed that she had started to take off her wet shirt. Panic set in, and I scrambled to avert my gaze, realizing that this was not a situation I wanted to be in.

"Uh, here's a towel, Natalie. And take this shirt," I stammered, my face reddening.

Just then, I heard another knock at the door. It was Alexis. Her eyes widened as she took in the scene in the bedroom. I could sense the hurt and confusion in her expression.

This isn't going to end well, I thought to myself, feeling a sinking sensation in my chest.

"Alexis, hey," I called out, desperate to explain and make things right.

But she didn't wait for me to say anything, as hurt skated across her face. She immediately turned and left, likely having gotten the wrong idea. What am I going to do now?

Alexis POV

"There was a girl in his room, Chlo, she was half naked," I told my friend, my mind racing with thoughts and doubts.

"Sis, please don't jump to conclusions. Talk to him about it," Chlo advised, trying to calm me down.

"Yeah, you're right. I should talk to him. I'll talk to him tomorrow," I decided, realizing that communication was key in situations like these.

"Alright, I have to go to my room. See you tomorrow," Chlo said, heading off to her own room.

As I walked to my room, a mix of emotions swirled within me. Was this a sign that we weren't meant to be together? Was there something I had missed or misunderstood?

I couldn't help but wonder if I had taken a different approach, gone to his room, and expressed my feelings, would he have reciprocated them? Or was this just another obstacle in our complicated journey?

Upon reaching my room, I prepared for bed, knowing that we had a flight tomorrow and I needed to be well-rested. However, before I could drift off to sleep, I checked my phone, only to find a text from Will.

"Sweetheart, can we talk? It's not what it looks like. Please text me back," his message read.

His words sparked a mixture of curiosity and apprehension within me. What could he possibly have to say? Should I give him the chance to explain? I pondered my next move, unsure of how to proceed.
Will POV

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