Percy pov

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Well then I feel like leaving right now... Oh you know what I'm getting pissed, it's been like I don't, 20 minutes and they haven't even blinked. Oh wait no they're coming around now, aww but I wanted to hit them.

"Wow what took you long? Never mind, don't answer that and I'm gonna use my wish to get Hestia and Hades their thrones back, it'll give the council more control over themselves and also more control of their domains since Hestia keeps the peace and Hades can keep the "big three" domains under control, like it or not when your all together it makes your domains a lot easier to control. Now for the second part of my wish, I wish for you to stop fighting with each other it makes your domains go crazy an the mortals will die if it keeps up so please, stop fighting. The third part, is to give all my companions immortality so that means Blackjack, Mrs O'Leary, Thalia, also about Thalia can Artemis give her blessing back to her. Now the last part is that I can see Annabeth at least once a decade please if not I understand that."

"Okay we understand these requests but we can not do the last part, the ancient laws won't let it happen and you'll pay the consequences of your action so please don't try to talk to her. And the others are in reason so we'll do them now."

I nodded. I knew the ancient laws didn't allow it so I wasn't surprised. Zeus started to stand which was surprisingly difficult for him. After he stood, which mind you took awhile, he started to chant in another language which had a mixture of Latin and Greek. He started talking in rapid fire gradually getting louder, I only caught a few words like deem and worthy. He shouted out the last few words which I understood, he said, "These heroes deserve immortality, so I call upon the gods power to make thee Immortal."

I felt the pain but it seemed dull llike it wasn't worth my attention, but then again everything seems dull, the colours, the emotions, everything.

The pain passed and I asked exasperated.

"Is it over yet?"

"Y-yes how did you not feel anything." A shocked (oh the irony) Zeus.

"It was a dull pain at first I thought we did these in parts, did we not?"

"No we don't, doesn't matter we'll make your companions immortal now."

"Ok tell them, well when they wake up, that I'll be at camp"


So I went to "camp" but for me camp means an actual camp so out in the woods, surrounded by trees. So your probably thinking 'Your supposed to be at camp half-blood blah blah blah' but you see I did which is why Apollo didn't call me out because I wrapped a lie in truth as the saying goes. Oh and I got blackjack and Mrs O'Leary with me just waiting on-

"Me?" The presence that I felt earlier said.

Guess I was talking out loud.

"Yes you." I said chuckling.

"How are you not scared?" A whining and I'm guessing pouting Thalia.

"You should know that I'm more powerful than I look." I stated mysteriously.

AND CUT!! Thank you all for reading and now the diaclaimer.

Me: I need to update need to update NEED TO UPDATE!!

Fans: Open up author.

Me: Zeus help me.

The one that lost love (Percy and the Olympians story)Where stories live. Discover now