Changing pov

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Hey sorry 'bout the long wait got high school keeping me busy since I'm new I bet half of you know what I'm talking about but their probably not reading this. Meh anyway on with the chapter.

-ᑎO OᑎE ᑭOᐯ-

"W-Why did you do that Artemis?" A croaky voice asked her.

Percy had said that so the gods were shocked since he sounded so brocken, well 'till a voice came above them.

"That is so you don't die while you are grieving."

-ᑭEᖇᑕY ᑭOᐯ-

"W-who are you?" I asked trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Well I'm not your enemy I'll say that." The mysteries voice said.

Wait a minute... well I guess he'll hate me now like every other primordial out there. Hmm maybe I should count how many immortals I've pissed off nah too long.

"Why don't I trust you? Oh that's right you're the fucking father of Gaea, or better known as Chaos the created of this universe and many others, are you not." I asked.

"Smart one aren't you hmm but yes I am the father of Gaea and Chaos bu-"

"Now you see why I don't trust you?" I cut him off.

"Yes I do but before you cut me off I-I am sorry I know what it's like to lose a lover and that is partly why I am here. I have seen your life and emotions I am surprised you haven't gone crazy it almost made me crazy and I am the creator!! Anyway, got sidetracked, I am here to give you something well more like a living being and also some powers only water though, since you know how to do every thing with your birth powers, so I'll also add in one more thing but you'll learn have to learn what it is."

"Why I defeated your daughter shouldn't you be angry at me?"

"That is what most people think but I know better than that she was evil and should never of attacked you with Perseus here, otherwise she would've won." Chaos said mostly to other people.

With that said this white powder started growing out of the ground and formed a ring... of I was expecting a little bit more but okay than. He mind messaged me saying to accept the gods offer when they came out of shock.

"Umm guys you there?" I asked the gods and goddesses.

"Are their brains fried or something?" I muttered mostly to myself.

Well that was eventful I gained some powers, lost Annabeth and also got Thaila to come with me to make sure I don't kill myself FUN! See the sarcasm there? Well I'm going back to grieving now.

Me: I know it isn't good but it'll do right.

Fans: Yeah right time to get another author and... dispose this one.

Me: Wait guys wait wait don't...

The one that lost love (Percy and the Olympians story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon