3rd person pov

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We were at war with the giants now I know what despair means because I've just seen my friends die. Jason took a sword to the back by a traitor demigod. Piper was taking out legions when she got hit by an arrow. Leo died by taking on a giant with his dad. Frank killed a giant and a few legions of monsters with his flame stick he set on fire. Hazel got killed by using to much power and being to weak. Annabeth is still alive next to me while me, her and dad took out Porphyrion the giant king.

"Ahh so Poseidon's son came to kill me with his dad and girlfriend well how about this" he said while taking out the blood of Jason and Piper to awaken Gaea.

"Annabeth, dad take him out while I take on Gaea" They were going to argue but when they saw his eyes they knew Gaea was dead. His eyes took on the look of an indescribable look of angriness.

"Gaea έρθει εμπρός και να δοκιμάσετε το αίμα ημίθεος να αυξηθεί και να αναλάβει το βασίλειο του κόσμου" (Gaea come forth and taste the demigod blood to rise and take over the kingdom of the world) Porphyrion chanted.

"Ahhh now what do we have here? A few pesky gods and demigods. Well let's give them a taste of real power" Gaea said while gathering her power. " Hmm maybe I should kill that girl there what's her name... oh yes Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena goddess of battle strategy and more."

"No don't you dare" I said with a menacing voice that was so low that only she heard it.

"Oh won't this make it better" she said while an earthen spike killed her.

"NOOO you will die for that." I screamed. "CRAWL BACK TO YOUR HOLE AND DIE FOR THIS IS THE LAST STRAW."

I let loose the most powerful earthquake I had and charged her since I am the son if Poseidon I can control earthquakes and that also means I get strength from them so it gradually gets bigger until not even Gaea can stop it.

"P-please have mercy on me" Gaea begged while I walked up to her.

"You didn't have mercy on any of us so I won't give you any." Percy said in a low menacing tone.

Gaea almost wished he would scream at her instead of using that tone to her. I made a portal out of water particals and dragged her to my personal torture room in my dad's palace since it's not connected to the ground she won't heal. Even if she was connected to the ground she was in my dad's domain so he can stop that.

"Now that's over would you do me a favour and DIE" he screamed at the giants.

They tried to get away but they were rooted to the spot by fear in how easily he just defeated a primordial. Percy became an angel in death he. Slashed every last bit of the giants. He nodded to Zeus who got the idea and killed them with a bolt from his master bolt...

Well that wasn't to bad was it? :)

The one that lost love (Percy and the Olympians story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum