Percy's POV

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I was FURIOUS at Gaea. She just killed Annabeth and acted like it was nothing. Thaila survived same as Nico, Clarisse, the Stoll twins and a few old timers. There was a lot of casualties and deaths. I felt each of them on my conscious. Thaila noticed and glared as hard as she could but I wasn't affected by it I was to heartbroken to care instead I grieved the death of my love.

"P-Percy I-I'm afraid" A croaky voice said.

After I got over my initial shock I spoke these words that would stick to me like super glue.

"Don't be Annabeth it's alright I'll always be right beside you don't worry." I whispered while sobbing.

"D-don't grieve me Percy live and find a new person to love." She whispered to me.

"I-I can't I won't love someone as much as you."

"Percy please at least for me and promise me that."

"Ok wise girl I promise." I said sternly but sadly at the same time.

She smiled when her eyes lost her light and went glassy. I cried for ages as my dad tried to calm me down.

"It's okay son it's okay."

"No it isn't dad I just lost my one and only true love."

"I know son I know."

I stayed like that curled in a ball holding Annabeth and crying. We got teleported to Olympus while I cried even more since everything here reminds me of her.

The one that lost love (Percy and the Olympians story)Where stories live. Discover now