Chapter 10

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Topaz walked into her house and called out, "Dana, where you at?"

"In my room," Dana yelled.

Topaz made her way down the hall and poked her head in the open doorway of Dana's room. "Are you okay?"

Dana looked up from where she sat on the bed painting her toenails. "Yeah. I went to see Mom and we watched a sappy movie while we ate cake. Man, I forgot how good Mom's chocolate cake is."

"Did you bring me any?"

Dana blinked slowly.

"No, of course, you didn't," Topaz said, laughing as Dana's expression turned sheepish. "It's fine, I don't need it anyway."

Dana put the cap back on her polish and blew on her toes as she said, "So, where were you that you didn't come home?"

"Um...?" Topaz nervously glanced around the room, unable to meet her sister's eyes. She wasn't even sure where to start.

Dana smirked. "Don't tell me. Little Topaz has met a man worth giving up her single status for."

"Something like that," Topaz mumbled, feeling uncomfortable because she knew her dirty-minded sister well.

"Did you give other things up too?" Dana asked, eyebrows wiggling.

Topaz sighed, and there it was. Dana had given up her innocence at age fourteen to a boy in the shed behind their house. She'd thought nothing of it and had encouraged Topaz to get rid of hers every time Topaz had a date with a boy.

Topaz looked at it differently though. She wanted sex to mean something, to love the guy, not just lust after his body.

She'd dated a guy about a year ago that she thought might be the one... until she'd caught him with his tongue down his ex-girlfriend's throat. The ex who happened to be working at the café they'd gone to eat at that night. Topaz had walked out and called her dad to come to pick her up.

No, she wanted someone special to give her innocence too, even if that meant waiting. Only... now she didn't think she wanted to wait anymore. She felt like Raul was it, he was the one she wanted to give herself too and she knew he would cherish her in a way no other guy had. It also didn't hurt that he kept telling her she would be it for him, and he said it in a way that she believed him. Unlike all the ones before him who were just trying to get into her pants.

"No, I haven't, but I'm thinking I might. He's special Dana, he's the one I want forever with," Topaz told her.

"Forever? Who wants forever with one guy when you can have them all?" Dana muttered. "I tell you what. You bring this guy over for dinner one night and I'll put on the charm. If he doesn't fall for it, then you know he's all yours."

"Dana! Why would I do that? I know he's all mine already," Topaz said angrily.

Dana raised her eyebrows. "Wow, you truly are nuts for this guy, aren't you?"

"Ugh, Dana," Topaz groaned. Her anger was quick to fade because she knew this was just how Dana was, always skeptical.

"Fine, but I still want to meet him," Dana grumbled. "Besides, you know I wouldn't take a man from you."

"I know Dana, and I do want him to meet our family," Topaz said with a sigh. "So, I'll..."

"What?" Dana asked when Topaz stopped talking.

"I'm going to stay over tonight at his house," Topaz told her. "Honestly, I'm not sure he's going to ever let me come back here."

Raul had made it pretty clear how he felt. He wanted her in his life, in his house, and his bed, even if all they did was sleep.

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