Chapter 7

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Topaz sighed deeply, kicking off her shoes at the door and dragging herself to her room. Raul had just dropped her off at her house and it was late, almost ten, and the house was dark. Dana's car was outside, so she knew she was here, surprisingly since it was Saturday night.

Once inside her room, Topaz flopped down on her bed. She'd had a lovely day with Raul, but now that she was alone, the doubts began to slowly creep in. Her mind began to go back to the events of the day.

They'd had a lovely lunch, before going for a walk in the park. He'd then taken her back to his home and they'd watched another movie before sitting down to have dinner with his son and Dianne.

Dianne was a lovely girl, bubbly and energetic. Carlito had been more solemn and watchful.

"I understand though, I'd be that way too if a new woman suddenly appeared in my dad's life," Topaz muttered softly thinking about how she was only four years older than Carlito. "Although, he is eighteen, so it's not as if I'd have to help in raising him. I wonder if the age difference between Raul and me bothers Carlito. Does he even know about it?"

The age gap didn't bother Topaz after the initial shock of it had worn off. It surprised her because Raul really didn't look as old as he is. She had grown up knowing of the age difference between her grandparents, but she'd also seen the love between them and knew it could be done.

Shaking her head, Topaz moved her thoughts forward. She remembered Raul telling Carlito and Dianne how he'd told her what they are. He hadn't gone into any details, just that she now knew they were shapeshifters and that there were others like them.

Dianne had asked what she thought of them now.

That had been easy. Topaz informed them that she felt no different toward them. They'd given her no reason to see them differently, or to fear them, no to her they were still the same people, just more.

Topaz sighed. No, the fact that they're shapeshifters isn't the hard thing to swallow. The hard thing is, how do I feel about being Raul's soulmate?

She'd dated, she wasn't innocent or naive when it came to men. Raul though did something to her deep inside that she couldn't explain. He had her craving his attention, his touch, his very presence in her life after only knowing him a few days. That scared her more than him being a shapeshifter.

How is it that I can feel something so strong, so fast?

The other thing that worried her was Carlito. She wasn't sure he'd ever fully accepted her into his life. Sure, he'd been nice enough today, but watchful. She knew he was looking for signs there was something more to her and Raul than just being acquaintances at this point.

It made her wonder if Carlito already knew about the possibility that she and Raul might be mates and was looking to confirm it. It also had her thinking that if he did, he wasn't happy about it. Perhaps that was even what he'd been mad about in the beginning when they'd met. Maybe his dad had told him she was, and he already resented her even before they'd met.

If I'm honest, that is my biggest fear. I fear my relationship with Raul will drive a wedge between him and Carlito and I don't want that for them.

Raul loves his son so much, it's in the way he speaks about him and the way he interacts with him. She didn't want to be the cause of that ending, no matter how much she liked Raul.

So, could she continue to see him? Could she not continue seeing him?

Dragging herself off the bed Topaz stripped and put on her nightgown. She had no answer to either of those questions. Maybe after a good night's sleep, she would.

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