CHAPTER 2 - New Clues

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Beast Boy's POV
Me and my boyfriend stayed at hotel last night after our date. Last night was wonderful.

*small flashback*

"Ahhh more-e." I moaned as Dick pounded into me hard.

"You like it huh?" He panted.

"Yeah i d-do."

*end of flashback*

Well it was a good n-night. I woke up early in the morning. Dick was still sleeping beside me.
I admired his face a little before getting up and getting ready. I let him sleep and i needed to get back before team wakes up and sees both of us are missing.

Just when i got back to the tower and was making myself coffee.

The rest of the team just went into the kitchen and sit down at the table trying to wake up.

"Morning everyone." I said cheerfully.

"Well you look happy." Starfire noticed.

"How couldn't I, when I was out yesterday with my lover." I responded.

Just then Dick came in looking almost like he wanted to murder someone but relaxed the minute he saw me.

I smiled at him. "Morning Robin. You slept in today?" I look at him confused.

"I was out yesterday and went to some club. Damn I'm so tired." He let out a sigh as he sat down.

"Really?! Wow i didn't take you for that kind of type." Cyborg suddenly said.

Raven was quiet the whole time and just sipping on her coffee.

"I can relax from time to time you know." He smirked as he responded to him.

I placed on the table some eggs and bacon for the team. Everyone soon digged in.

"How was the date?" Raven asked.

"Oh really good." I smiled.

"You know i love how you're all so curious to the point of stalking me." I said that as if it was nothing and continued eating.

Cyborg choked on his drink, Starfire and Raven looked stunned at me. Dick was just sipping on his coffee and then said.

"I told you it wouldn't be a good idea. He's angry at you now." Dick said.

I looked at him.

"So you knew?" I acted annoyed at Dick.

"Yeah. They wanted me in but i told them that they are invading your privacy." He sighed.

"Robin!" Cyborg and Starfire yelled.

"What?" He looked at them confused.

"Why did you have to out us?" Starfire asked.

"Well he already knows, so..." He answered.

I finished eating and put my dish in the dishwasher.

"Anyway i recommend you all to stop stalking me if i gave you more clues maybe you can think with your brain." I said.

"Okay but i have a question first." Cyborg asked.

"Sure go ahead."

"How is your girlfriend taller than you?"

"Well my lover is taller than me but i don't mind. I love the person for their feelings not their body, the body is just a plus." I winked a little on the side towards Dick but it looked like i winked towards everyone for that comment.

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