Chapter 1

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This Bitch Ugly

The young woman was calmly walking down the street. She knew they were there, following her. Whoever the three men were, they weren't very stealthy. Stopping under a streetlight, she calmly dropped her backpack, and drew her knife.

"Who are you?", her monotone voice rang out into the darkness.

You're acting like you're in a horror movie idiot!

She chastised herself, softly cursing under her breath. Soon, the footsteps that had followed her from the cafe got louder, and a man stepped into the light. He was big, bigger than what she was expecting. His greasy hair stuck out from under his old hat. A large scar sliced across his face, from the corner of his lip, to his eyebrow.

"No wonder you were so loud," she called to him, her voice emotionless, "You're huge."

The man had an ugly laugh, and a loud one. He was just an ugly man. Almost as ugly as the knife he brandished. A large, dented knife that didn't appear too threatening at first, but the edge caught the light. It was sharp.

What is up with this guy? What does he want?

Deciding to send an alert to her soulmates, she pulled out her phone, and quickly sent her location to Taehyung. Although she hoped they didn't need to come, there were still two other men hidden in the darkness, and a man on top of the building to her left. They are stealthy, she knew that, but were still very dangerous.

Putting her phone down on top of her bag, and calmly removing her jacket, she apologized to the man. Men. whatever.

"Sorry about that, that was rude of me, but I would rather not die soon."

Grinning, the man walked farther into the yellow light. He still held the ugly knife in his right hand, and a cigarette in his left. Dropping it and smothering it with his shoe, he finally attacked.

He was faster than he should've been, but not fast enough. The woman dodged to the right and held out her left hand with the knife. Although it was sharp, it was only a pocket knife, and didn't cut him very deep. Luckily for her, it was enough to send him into the pole, falling onto the cold concrete. Unluckily for her, the other two hidden men grabbed her. Tightly gripping her arms and the shoulder and elbow, she was unable to move. They lifted her feet off of the ground, and left her to struggle. The one on her left squeezed her wrist tightly, forcing her to drop her small knife.

"Why did you have to do that?" A deep voice boomed out, albeit weakly. The man stood up, using the pole for help. "I was gonna let you live."

Stepping closer to her, she could smell the cigarettes on his breath, along with everything he's eaten in the past twenty years.

"Do you ever brush your teeth?"

His amused face dropped, and he lifted his knife closer. Slowly the sharp edge cut through her shirt, leaving her stomach exposed from right below her bra, all the way down her shirt.

"That was Gucci!", she whined, almost childlike. That just made him more mad. Pressing the cold blade against her exposed stomach, he began cutting. A swift slice, from her ribs to her belly button on the right side. She didn't cry out though, she'd been through worse. Blood dripped quickly, down onto her beige pants that she loved so much.

The men dropped her at the command of their leader, and she sank to the concrete like a bag of rocks. Although she tried to look unbothered from the cut, she wasn't doing too good. The man cleaned off his knife on her shirt, and then got into a large black van that had pulled up. The two "goons" then started to beat her.

"Boys! Get in the van we gotta go!", that deep voice called out again. With one last particularly hard kick to the right rib, they left. Left her there, crying on the cold cement, bleeding out. Although it took her awhile to get there, she crawled over to her phone. Seeing a text message from Tae telling her they were coming, and to hang on, before she blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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