I sensed the tension in the air and broke it the only way I knew how. Comedy. 

"Alright that's the end of the lesson class. Any questions?" I said with a weak smile and everyone exhaled.

"I thought you were cool, but that jailbreak story really takes the cake," Toph said and everyone laughed. Katara placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"Y/n, I'm so sorry about what happened to your mother," she said and I nodded, not really wanting to talk about that. Bato spoke up next. 

"But you never explained how you could bend two elements," he pointed out. I shrugged. 

"I don't even know the answer to that. I was born a waterbender and then when I was about  five, I threw a fireball at Zuko for breaking the head off of my doll," I said and that caused everyone to laugh. I laughed along and then sighed. 

"I know you all have justified negative feelings towards the Fire Nation, but I hope this doesn't change the way you all feel about me. And I hope you don't hate me because of it," I said and I bowed my head low. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Sokka smiling at me. 

"Of course it doesn't Y/n. The Fire Nation's uprooted your life too and we can't blame you for things that you have no control of. Plus you've helped and saved our butts about a hundred times," he told me. Katara smiled too. 

"If it wasn't for you, I don't want to think about what Zuko and Azula would've done to Aang and I. It's because of you we were able to get away," she said. Toph smirked. 

"Sokka told me that you were the one who spotted me on the way to Ba Sing Se. So thanks for making me not have to run all the way back to the city," she said and she punched my arm hard. I winced and then smiled.

"Thanks you guys," I said and I couldn't help the tears threatening to spill over. Sokka pulled everyone into a group hug. 

"Welcome to the Gaang, Y/n."

A few weeks later...

A thump was heard from the entrance to the ship dormitories and we all turned to see a very frightened Aang looking around. We all ran over to see him awake.

"Aang, you're awake!" Katara said happily. Aang looked around confusedly.

"Are you sure? I feel like I'm dreaming," he said. Sokka coming over in full Fire Nation armor probably didn't help with that. The color drained from his face and Toph called it that he was going to faint. 

After a few minutes, he came to and started asking a bunch of questions. Katara told him to take it easy and took him to the dorms to heal, while the rest of us hung out on the deck. 

"Soo, Y/n. Since Aang's awake, you know you're gonna have to explain your life story to him," Toph said while waltzing over to me. My eyes widened and I sighed, hunching over in exhaustion. To be honest, since I went into detail with everyone before, I haven't been sleeping. I'd lie awake every night and think about questions I didn't have the answers to about myself. Maybe questions I don't want the answers too. 

"We can skip the whole life story part and go straight to the part where you let him know you're a firebender. Then you could teach him," Sokka said confidently. I scoffed. 

"You overestimate me Sokka. I'm not good enough to teach the Avatar firebending. I really only know the basics, the rest of it was self taught," I said, though I know it was more of an excuse than anything. He put his hand around my shoulder. 

"Y/n, Katara told me how you went head to head with Zuko and Azula," he said and I shook my head quickly. 

"And I mostly used water. None of my fire attacks landed," I said. 

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