chapter four

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hey, y'all. it's been such a long week lol


The next morning was somewhat of a blur. He remembered waking up for school and getting ready. He only had to wake up a few kids, since Bella woke up most of them. He made them breakfast and they left for school.

They passed the elementary school on the way to the middle and high school, so they dropped the kids off and continued on. The middle school Bella went to was right across from his high school, so they parted ways and made it to their own schools.

It was somewhat irrational, but he felt like everyone's eyes were on him as he passed. There were definitely some people who knew what happened since it was a small town, but not everyone could've known. Yet, that's what it felt like.

He got to his locker to see Spencer and Adam by it. Immediately when he walked up they asked him where he'd been and why he never answered any texts. It all seemed somewhat muffled though like their voices were just a whisper bouncing off the back of his mind.

Rather than answering any of their questions, he just said, "Aunt May died."

It hurt to say; it was like it made it more real to say it out loud. Of course, he knew it was true and it hurt, but it felt weird. He hated it. He hated that he had to say it–that he was able to say it truthfully.

Spencer and Adam looked shocked and started offering their condolences, but Peter simply nodded half-heartedly and walked away. He didn't want condolences. He wanted May back.

Classes were a blur. He was too lost in his own head to focus on anything. The teachers didn't call on him or try to get him to focus though. They must've known.

He almost wished they'd call on him and treat him like normal. Maybe then he could pretend everything was normal.

Lunch came quickly and he walked to his locker with a neutral expression. His mind continued to wander, even as Caleb approached from behind him. That's why when Caleb came up and suddenly grabbed his shoulder, he wasn't expecting it and jumped.

"Hey there, loser, " he smugly said, a smirk on his face.

"Not today, Caleb, " Peter replied quickly, his voice surprisingly cold. Caleb even looked surprised for a second before recovering.

Ignoring Peter, he continued, "You know, Friday was a great day. You didn't show up and I thought that you might've finally done the deed and you'd be six feet under by now, but I guess not." Caleb walked in front of Peter, blocking his escape to the lunchroom.

Yet Peter wasn't about to walk away. It felt like the hole already in his chest tore open even bigger at what Caleb said. A pit formed in his stomach and a sad frown settled on his face. It was a cruel reminder of what happened to May.

And for that, Peter was also unbelievably angry. His expression quickly turned into a hardened one and he felt his face turn red. Caleb didn't know what had happened–that much was obvious–but Peter was blinded by his anger to realize that. All he could think of was May and how Caleb had practically made fun of how she died.

"Shut up and leave me the hell alone, " Peter fumed.

"You think you can talk to me like that, Parker? You can't do shit and we both know it, " Caleb taunted in reply.

It was like someone else had taken over Peter's mind, and he couldn't stop himself from talking. He didn't want to stop though, even if he knew he'd get hurt. "Back off, Caleb. Seriously."

Caleb stepped closer and opened his mouth to speak, a sarcastic grin on his face. But within a second, he decided against it and just pushed Peter back. Peter stumbled backward but somehow managed to stay upright.

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