chapter three

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I wanna say this so there's no misunderstanding or confusion–Bella and Peter's relationship is strictly platonic. Just wanted to point that out so there aren't any comments on it 


It was only Saturday. His first morning in the orphanage. His second morning without May.

Even just the motivation to get up had evaded him. He missed her already and it had only been two days. Less than that even–a day and a half.

But he got up anyway. His legs, shoulders, and back ached after sleeping on the hard ground. He stepped around the still sleeping boys, quietly into the hall, and shuffled over to the kitchen.

Coffee sounded nice right now. May never approved of coffee, but what did it matter? She was gone. His face twisted into a bitter one at the thought.

When he entered the room, only Bella was there, sitting in the living room reading a book. It wasn't one of the ones from the table though; it must've been from the library.

He went and joined her, opting to sit in the armchair rather than on the couch.

She looked up briefly to see him but looked back down to continue reading. After about a minute, she closed her book and greeted, "hey."

"Hi. Is anyone else awake?"

"No, they usually sleep in on weekends." She shrugged, before saying, "It doesn't make much of a difference though because they're usually up in time for lunch."

"What about breakfast?" he questions with furrowed brows.

"Well Mrs. Miller sleeps in every day, so she doesn't do it and Mr. Miller goes to work Monday through Thursday and sleeps in the rest of the days. It's okay though; usually, we go to school and get lunch there, but on weekends I make lunch. Although I'm not a very good cook."

He shouldn't have been surprised after last night, but he still didn't like it. "Well, I'll see what there is and I can make breakfast." Peter got up and walked to the kitchen, first opening the fridge. "Is there anything we can't have?"

Bella thought for a second. "No, Mr. and Mrs. Miller never really make food; they usually order food."

"Okay," he replied absentmindedly. There wasn't a lot of food. In fact, there was hardly any, but it made sense considering what she'd told him. But he found eight eggs, and that would do for now.

He took out a pan and started washing it in the sink when Bella walked up next to him. "Is it okay if I watch what you do? I want to learn how to cook." She looked a little shy or nervous asking.

It made Peter a little sad. By the time he was thirteen, he already knew how to cook fairly well and could make full meals. Granted, he kind of had to because Aunt May was a terrible cook. But that aside, it made him sad to think that she had never got the chance to learn.

"Yeah, yeah, of course, " he quickly assured.

When he finished washing the pan, he started making scrambled eggs with all eight eggs. He offered to let Bella try to crack one of the eggs, but she refused, saying she didn't want to get any shells in it.

It didn't take too long, and soon he had thirteen plates with scrambled eggs. He got a little less, mostly because he wasn't hungry, but it worked out fine since the kids got more.

Bella went to get all the kids up, and they begrudgingly shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing their still tired eyes.

Yet their fatigue wore off quickly when they saw the eggs he had made for them. It was painfully obvious they weren't used to having nice, homemade meals, especially for breakfast.

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