He said sounding to be great infront of his own sister, I feel nauseated when he referenced my excellent name mockingly making me look alongside me where the two ladies were checking out me since they were befuddled why I needed to be a house servant when one of this two siblings assuming there are two different servants close to me that they can pick.

"S—sir, me! I can assist you with everything, I guarantee." The one who said around my age making us turn towards her, I had a sensation of fun within me yet I didn't show it to individuals before me now.

"Thanks. However, I don't—." Jungkook had a remark to the one who talked yet it didn't go through when Mr Jeon unexpectedly applauded boisterously once to got our thoughtfulness regarding him making me augmented my eyes since I'm a frightened animal.

"At last, Ms Azumi will be Seongha's servant, and Ms. Belle will be your worker while Ms Kate will be the kitchen assistant." Mr Jeon explained to us particularly to his own exceptionally disorderly child who had a disapprove of his temple, I didn't see that I grinned at what he said as I peer down at the young lady close to me as she winds her arms around my little midriff, gazing toward Mr Jeon yet to see Jungkook glaring down at me making my grin immediately disappear.

"Okay, I need to leave since I actually have some work at the company. I'll see you three this evening." With that, Mr Jeon quickly advances on the entryway alongside one servant who is wearing a uniform and a man in a tuxedo who I have seen before when Mr Jeon and I initially met on the seat. Talking about seat scene, I need to say thanks to Mr Jeon for giving me a portion of his proposition that day, however before I could plan to follow Mr Jeon he was at that point out of his enormous house.

"Hi, my name si Jeon Seongha! Nice to meet you, my Azumi!" I returned to my own senses when I heard the adorable and youthful voice coming from close to me, I promptly peered down to see where Seongha was the youngster I would deal with for this house and the remainder of her life, I mean, It depends in the event that her sibling won't release me, again. Discussing her borther who is currently as yet frowning at me I saw toward the edge of my two eyes, bending my lips into flimsy grin down to Seongha who is presently smiling at me brilliantly.

"Hello there, I am Kang Azumi, you can call me Zumi. Good to meet you, as well." My presentation prior to standing out my arm to shake her hands, however she didn't shake it yet she ran nearer to me to embrace me firmly on my mid abdomen causing me to feel help as I didn't notice that I was not generally assaulted by my frenzy problem. I don't think there is such an individual, despite the fact that she is youthful yet she is extremely kind to individuals she meets, dissimilar to her sibling who has the contrary demeanor.

"Seongha, don't you have anything more to do? Why haven't you come up yet? Your mentor messaged me, he said he'll be here in no time." What grabbed the eye of both of us was Jungkook who was simply gazing directly toward me with hatred I could see all over his fave, turning away at him and my eyes arrived on the young lady close to him who was holding a pack in two her hand. She stands out her hand and thumbs her up, I see her face again and she raised her eyebrow prior to mouthing you-are-alright?

I gestured my head to her befote to giving her my comforting grin as she grinned in alleviation, I simply feel since I will have companions here, I heard that Jungkook inhaled out making me look back up and him again as significantly more crumpled his temple before to drawing nearer to his sibling to get her wrist before he pulled it nearer to him.

"Belle, Kate. Carried Seongha to her room and help her change." He said giving no articulation to the two ladies who were here with us, I broadened my eyes a little as I realize that I would be left alone here with a Jungkook, Belle and Kate gestured to Jungkook prior to bowing their heads before to taking him Seongha to Jungkook and they quickly strolled towards the steps. Presently that there are just two of us left, I must choose the option to look down to the floor since I would rather not see a man who I poured espresso on a couple of times, I didn't realize that he would be Mr Jeon's child.

"Kang Azumi, do you definitely know me?" He out of nowhere begun to talk making me sweats, it was so humiliating to face this man, it resembled I simply needed to run out of their home and return home concealing my disgrace, I saw that he was gradually strolling towards me making me look anyplace however not to him.

"You don't appear to know me yet, would you like me to introduce to you?" His inquiry wryly, I must choose the option to check out him with culpability in my eyes since I don't have the foggiest idea why I appear to need to apologize however that is not something he did to me. I have no designs to talk except for I like to stay quiet before I talk again which he won't like before I lose my employment with one of his words. I gradually make a stride back as he continue to make a stride nearer to me making my back meet the table making me gaze toward him and stop him by putting my hand on his hard chest, presently we both gazing directly to our eyes as I began to feel warm on my cheeks since I've never encountered a man so near me.

"For what reason would you say you are becoming flushed?"

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