'Hey, hey, hey, Britain's Next Top Model. I don't think they like that pointy thing.' Zoe told Marcus.

'Easy, Miss America's. It's just a sedative.' Marcus told is inching closer.

'We just need to get them under control.' The women added.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa. He was under control.' I yelled.
'No needles. No sedatives. Just back off.'

They both were distressed and Marcus was really annoying me now as he kept moving closer.

'I said, back off.' I shouted at him.

'Okay, we get it, we get it. You two like to be free. We get it.' Zoe said.

'What are your names?' The women asked.



'Okay, Zoe, Aubrey. Raven and Luna seem to really like you. Could you help us get him back to the stables?' The women asked.

'Uh, look, we would love to help you with your scary horses, we really would, but we need to find our sister.' Zoe told them.

'Thing is, it's kind of you two or the sedatives.' Marcus said to us.
'Listen, if you two help us out, we'll help you find your sister.'

'Alright, okay, what do you want us to do?' I asked.

'We need to get these lead rope's clipped on them.' The women stepped forward which made the two lift up again.

'Hey, okay, it's okay.' I told Raven as Zoe looked after Luna. Zoe stuck a hand out for the women to throw the lead ropes over. Zoe grabbed one and handed me the other. Zoe looked after Luna while I did Raven.

'Hey, shh, shh, it's okay. Look, come here. It won't hurt you.' I managed to clip the rope in to Raven.

'That's great. We need you two to walk them back to the stables, and we'll be right behind you. If they do anything, we are right there.' The women told us.

'Okay, okay. All right.' We agreed. Zoe took charge of Luna while I took Raven.

'Shhh, it's okay. It's okay. Let's just go for a little walk, ok?' I calmed him down. We walked across the beach me and Raven following Zoe and Luna. Me and Zoe arrived at the yard still leading both horses. I stroked Raven, making sure he keeps calm.

'Thank you so much, Zoe and Aubrey. We've got it from here.' The women thanked us.

'Ted, can you give us a hand?' I heard Marcus say.

I felt someone take hold of Raven. It must have been the Ted guy Marcus called over. I smiled and let go of the lead rope.

'Take them to the stables and get them checked over.' The women instructed.

See you soon....I guess.

'Okay, everyone, show is over. Let's get back to work.' The women said before walking off to another group of people. Me and Zoe looked at each other with wide eyes wondering what just happened.

'How's my favourite horse whisperer's doing?' The women asked.

'We're okay. We just really need to find our sister.' I told her.

'Right. Of course.' She nodded.

We started walking over to the girls we were talking to earlier. I saw something pink at the bottom of my eyes which made me look down and see....

'Wait, wait, wait. These are Rosie's. She's not there. She's in here. Somewhere.' I said.

Seriously, I'm like some kind of wilderness tracker, right?

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