Chapter 5: Helpless

Start from the beginning

Colin looks down and shakes his head. "I know she's not helpless. But the baby is. I don't want whoever he, she, or they may be to get mixed up in this mess. Edith may hate me for it, but I'm not just going to let her or the child get hurt because of my mistake," he states.

Lucian nods slowly, trying to grasp the situation they're in and in a way that might help Colin see what he's getting at. "You're right, the baby is helpless. However, you're wrong if you think there is any force stronger than the willpower of a mother protecting her child."

Colin says nothing as he takes a moment to think about that. He knows damn well how much Edith is willing to do for her children. He remembers that the thought of getting back to 'her time' so she could see her son again was what drove her to travel across Utopia and get wrapped up in dangers beyond comprehension a year ago. For her son she was willing to do anything and he has no doubt that it's the same thing now, with this baby.

But he also recalls how he had lost Autumn and their unborn child when he became an SRL. He watched Autumn fight with everything she had to keep their baby safe, and all Colin could do was watch as she failed and he lost them both. He can't imagine going through that again with Edith no matter how capable he knows she is.

His thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the front door that grabs the attention of Colin and Lucian, as well as Connor who has been in the living room watching tv from the couch.

The knock sounded firm, and they wait for it to come again, but it doesn't. Connor pauses his show and gets up, hurrying to the kitchen. "I'll get it," he says and starts unlocking the door.

Colin watches uneasily as the last lock is undone and Connor pulls the door open, and his face pales the instant he's met with a gun to his face.

Both Colin and Lucian turn their full attention to the door and Lucian drops a glass cup that shatters on the floor once he sees a person with long black hair step into the room wearing a Cogency Elite uniform colored in black and deep maroon.

Colin instantly rushes to Connor's aid and pulls him back to block him from being at point-blank range of the barrel of the pistol and Lucian grabs Connor's hand while Colin stares down the Cogency Elite.

Connor holds his breath and tries to remain motionless, but he trembles in his fear. "Colin... Who is this?" he asks shakily.

Colin never looks away from the person. "Kylen Windsor. They were one of the Cogency Elites who pretended to serve under me back in Utopia, and back when I was still the Sovereign of Unity," he says and positions himself to better shield the couple behind him.

Kylen nods simply. "It's good to know you kept your memory after you merged, otherwise The Director's efforts to find you would amount to nothing. I—"

"What do you want?" Colin demands.

They sigh, their face reveals nothing of what they might be thinking or feeling. "I think you know what I want. Or rather, what The Director wants. Those two things are one and the same. The only true question is whether or not you are going to comply and make this easy, or complicate things more than you already have," they explain and their eyes glance to the couple hiding behind Colin.

The SRL glares at them. "You want me to go to the Bastion with you for whatever sick game this 'Director' wants to play. Trust me, I don't want to complicate things, but I can't do as you ask. I know from countless years of experience that games run by this conglomerate never end happily ever after," he snaps.

Kylen nods slowly. "It's not up to me how this ends, unfortunately. Whatever happens next is on you, Colin," they start walking towards him, making him, Connor and Lucian back further into the kitchen. Kylen shuts the door behind them without looking away or lowering the gun.

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