Part 25

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A few days later all the members of Westlife were assembled in the Shnicky living room. Shauna was sitting cuddled up in Shane's lap, and Nicky was resting his head on Shane's shoulder. Bryan and Kian were discussing something, and Mark was studying Shane and Nicky, They both looked so unbelievably tired and worn out, a lot worse than they ever had at the end of a long, exhausting tour. Well, considering Nicky may only have about half a year to live, that wasn't very surprising. He still couldn't believe Nicky wouldn't go on medication, but had decided to accept it.

'Sorry I'm late,' Louis said as he came rushing into the room. 'That's ok,' Shane replied mechanically. Kian and Bryan ended their conversation, and Mark turned his attention towards Louis. Nicky didn't move. 'So,' Louis started, sighing deeply. 'You will not be able to keep up work with the band, Nicky?' Nicky shook his head slightly. 'It's far too demanding,' Shane filled in. Louis nodded. 'You're all aware the contract runs out in 4 months time anyway. I would like to renew it even if Nicky can't continue.'

He looked around the room. Everyone was silent, until Shane shook his head. 'I can't Louis. There is no way I'll be able to keep working.' Louis nodded, 'I thought so, and it's understandable. You've got a family to take care off, and I think you are making a responsible decision.' Now, Kian spoke, 'Westlife can't continue as a trio. We've always been a five-piece; I wouldn't even want to continue without Nicky. We have shared a dream, and I think I can speak for all of us in saying we've been very grateful, but it's time to move on.' Bryan and Mark nodded in agreement.

'Ok,' Louis said, 'Now, the thing is, you're in the middle of recording your 5th album. After this one your record deal runs out. They want you to finish it.' 'Without Nicky?' Bryan asked. 'No, with Nicky.' Nicky looked shocked. 'But... that's not possible.' 'I've spoken to your doctor, and it is possible. 4 months, no stress. We can work only 3 or 4 hours a day, and we will move it all to Dublin, pay for all the producers and everything flying over here.' Nicky shook his head. 'You can't, that would cost a fortune.' 'Nicky, that album is worth a fortune. It is likely to be your last ever original recording. You stormed on to the scene with a big bang; you should mark your leave the same way. What do you say?' Louis once again looked at each of them in turn, but they were all looking at Nicky, waiting for his response. He looked somewhat over-helmed. Shane's arm crept behind him and he pulled him close. Finally he nodded, slowly. Louis smiled and rose. 'Ok, I have a few things to sort, so I have to get back. I will speak to you all later this week

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