Part 11

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Shane woke up with a start. He looked at the bedside clock. Just after midnight. He drank some water, then turned around and tried to go back to sleep. He couldn't, there was no way he could shake off the feeling that something was wrong, seriously wrong. With Nicky.

He told himself to stop being so deutzy; of course Nicky was ok. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't convince himself. He got out of bed, deciding to call Nicky and check if he was ok, just to calm his nerves.

'What are you doing here?' Nicky asked sharply, turning his head to avoid the kiss that was aimed at his lips. 'God, I still love you Nicky. I was a fool to let you go.' Nicky snapped back, trying to hide the fact he was trembling inside, 'But you let me go, and I've finally moved on, so let me live my life in peace.'

A smile and then a kiss that he didn't turn away from fast enough met him. He felt the hot lips on his, a hand placed on the back of his head so he couldn't break out of it. He struggled helplessly as his mouth was forced open and the feeling of that tongue exploring his mouth made him feel sick.

As the kiss ended he felt a pair of hands on his chest, undoing his shirt and swiping it off him. It wasn't long till he was stripped of everything he had been wearing. He shivered as he was pushed onto the sofa; the other mans naked body covering his. Fear filled his mind, and he prayed for Shane to come back and save him from the torment that was sure to last through the night.

Shane tried to call, but no one answered. 'It's past midnight, he's probably asleep,' he told himself and went back to bed. Tossing and turning for half an hour, then he got up again. He got dressed, and went into the living room where he found his mother.

'Shane, what are you doing up?' 'Mam, I have a strange feeling something's wrong with Nicky. I have to get back.' His mum looked at him in surprise, 'Why don't you give him a call?' 'I did, there was no answer.' Mae nodded, 'He'd probably be asleep.' She looked up at her son, worry written all over his face. She sighed, 'Go on so. I'll see you in a week?' Shane nodded, 'Yeah, I'll bring Nicky and Shauna. See you, bye.' He gave his mum a quick hug and rushed out into the car.

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