loving the two boys | 18

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I cleared my throat a couple times before bringing Sunghoon's phone to my ear, waiting for Sunoo to shout at me.

"You doing okay?", My eyes widened slightly at how tired Sunoo sounded.

I felt so guilty to make Sunoo worry about me. I didn't even know he liked me that way. Riki too. But I'm not mad and I don't really know if I'll be able to return their feelings. I do know I have to let go of Sunghoon and I'm promising myself to learn to like the two boys.

"I-I'm sorry Sunoo..I wasn't thinking straight-"

Sunoo chuckled which made me smile slightly. His laugh was always cute.

"You weren't thinking straight because you aren't one.", I furrowed my brows before realising what he meant.

My cheeks flushed madly as I covered my face with my palm.


"I bet you're blushing right now, hyung."

I hate how he can tell whether I'm embarrassed or not.

"So you like..Sunghoon, right?", He knows. I sighed and shook my head to myself.

"I never did like him that way I guess. It was obsession. You know how much Sunghoon helped me during our trainee days. I took that and thought I loved him like that but it was just obsession."

I could've done more hurt to Sunghoon by trying to break his healthy relationship with Jake. I see that now. He's happy with Jake and all I want to see is him happy. It shouldn't matter if it's because of me or Jake.

"So..do we have a chance? Wait! Don't say anything. Here me out first.", I chuckled.


"I really do like you a lot, hyung. I admired you so much for staying strong during our trainee days. You're so talented and I was really glad when we got to debut in the same group. Riki was kinda jealous too.", I laughed softly. Yeah that sure sounds like Riki.

"Remember when there was a thunder storm and you got into my bed and asked for cuddles so timidly and shivering. I kinda fell in love with you on that night. I didn't know you could be so cute."

I remember that night. I've always been scared of thunderstorms and when the thunder struck, I felt the need to be cuddled.

Two years ago

I stood in front of Sunoo's door and opened it with shaky hands. It was like 2am and the thunderstorm was getting more aggressive. I squealed when the thunder struck again.

"Minkyu hyung? What's wrong..", A tired Sunoo asked me while yawning.

I was visibly shivering and scared. I'm sure even with how dimly lit his room was, he could see the state I was in.


The thunder struck again and I shrieked even louder and ran to his bed and slipped under his covers, pulling them up to my nose. He must think I'm weak. He has seen my true self.

I felt a warm hand stroke my hair as I immediately started to calm down.

"It's okay hyung. I'm here. The thunder can't hurt you.", I felt his warm breath near my ears as my eyelids started to droop.

I looked up at Sunoo who was looking at me with a soft smile.

"Do you need cuddles?, I nodded eagerly as Sunoo chuckled and got back under the covers and moved closer to me and draped an arm over my stomach and laid his head on my chest.

"Good night hyung. Please try to sleep.", he said, yawning.

His breathing became slow and that's when I knew he had fell asleep. I sighed and closed my eyes and tried my hardest to sleep.

My arms had a mind of it's own as it wrapped around Sunoo and even slipped under Sunoo's shirt and rested on his soft tummy. It felt so smooth and soft. I smiled and drifted away to sleep. The thunderstorm long forgotten.

Present day

"So what I'm trying to say is that we're not pranking you, hyung. We really do like-love you."

I see. Well, I guess I'll try.

"I trust you, Sunoo. Riki too. You're too adorable to play me."

"But alright. I'll try."

"You'll try?"

I smiled to myself and I felt my heart flutter at the chance to love someone. That being Sunoo and Riki.

"I'll try loving you and Riki in that way."

Sunoo squealed and I laughed heartily. Why is he so cute?

"Thank you hyung! Thank you for giving us a chance."

"Hey. There's no need to thank me. I'm doing this for myself too. I've always found you and Riki cute. My two cute subs."

"H-Hyung! We aren't s-subs!"

They can deny all they want but I will never be the sub of the relationship. Especially when it's with Sunoo and Riki.

"Hyung, can we cuddle now?", My eyes widened as I stood up.

"Now? Uhh, I have to hang up first-"

"Sure! Hurry up hyung! Give the phone back to Sunghoon and hurry to our dorm. Riki is here too."

Riki is there too?! I have to go.

"Ok i'm on the way bye!"

I hanged up and rushed in where Sunghoon was, talking to Sungyoon.

"Hyung, I have to go back to the dorm. Sunoo wants to cuddle-I mean-", My cheeks flushed as I slipped it out.

Sunghoon chuckled and took back the phone.

"Alright, hurry and go to your boyfriend."

I blushed even harder but didn't bother to say anything because it's not like it couldn't happen.

"Bye hyung!"

I waved as he smiled and waved back.

I left the apartment and got into my car, driving to our dorm.

rivals or boyfriends? Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz