let me go | 17

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I started my search for Minkyu by calling him since he literally called me a few days ago. He didn't answer the first time and second but I wasn't going to give up. I was about to call him again when someone called me. Sungyoon. What does he want now?


"Uhh, Hoon. There's a Minkyu here asking me secrets about you. Did you know your member is doing this?", Minkyu is at Sungyoon.

"What the fu-Tell him to stay there and just make up lies. I'll come to your place."

"Thank goodness. I can stall him."

Hearing Sungyoon get so annoyed like that made me guilty. It all started with me coming out. Minkyu is being rebellious and he's disturbing my twin. I sighed and got into my car.

"Sorry Yoon. I just bring trouble wherever I go."

"Hey. Don't be sorry. Just hurry and get this Minkyu. He's starting to annoy me.", I chuckled and nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Yes sir."

I hanged up and started up the car and pulled out of the carpark and drove all the way to where Sungyoon lived. Or more truthfully, where we used to live together.

Yeah. We used to live together when we were on good terms. The apartment was close to the audition venue so it was how I commuted when I was a trainee. Sungyoon was already an actor at that point but he'd only been acting in small roles until our recent bl drama.

I didn't really have a reason to move out when I finally debuted but when I found out that Sungyoon had almost slept with Jake, it made me angry at him. I ended up punching him a lot. I'm pretty sure he has a small scar on his bottom lip.

I don't want to hate Sungyoon but he had kissed Jake. My Jake. Yeah, he wasn't mine at that time but Sungyoon admitted that he had liked Jake as well and coincidentally they were both tipsy so it led to that. I've forgiven Jake because he probably thinks it was me but Sungyoon? He liked Jake and I don't know if I can forgive him. Yeah, I don't hate him that much anymore but I can't forgive him.

I reached his apartment as I got out and rushed to the lift, pressing the button. The lift door opened and I got in, hitting the sixth floor button. What the hell is Minkyu even doing here? How did he find Sungyoon? Does he know he's my twin? What am I saying, he's literally my twin. We are carbon copies.

The lift reached the sixth floor and I rushed out and to the familiar hallway all the way to the familiar apartment number.

"If he's dumb, he'd put it as our birthday.", I said to myself and punched in the code.

The lock beeped as I rolled my eyes.

"Sungyoon, you're so dumb."

You'd think he would change it after I beat his ass the last time.

I swung open the door and low and behold in the living room sat Sungyoon and Minkyu. Minkyu snapped his head to me as his eyes widened and he stood up, shocked.

"H-Hyung, h-how-", I rushed to him and grabbed his collar.

"What the hell have you been doing? Do you know how worried everyone has been? Two fucking weeks?!", I screamed, his eyes full of fear.

He should be afraid.

"Sunoo is worried to death. Riki too. Fuck. Even me! Minkyu! Get ahold of yourself!", I blurted out, anger just running through my veins.

I sighed and pushed him as he flopped onto the couch.

"I-I d-didn't know everyone had b-been worried-", I scoffed and flopped onto the couch beside him.

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