Part 12

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"Oh I love Justin Bieber he's a great singer and person all around" I said talking to Olivia as I take books out of my bag to put in my locker

"Yes and the women he's married to" she said

I stopped and turned around "Don't even get me started on Hailey" I said looking up as the sky and biting my lip before turning back around

"Celebrity crush I see"

"Hailey Baldwin and Sunni Lee can have my kids" I say as I close my locker and we share a laugh

"Hey Toby" I hear behind me

I turn to see Dylan with a smile until she catches a glimpse of Olivia "Oh Olivia hi" she says coming to stand very close to me

I can feel the heat rise in my body as her arm rubs against mine

"Dylan right?" She asked

Dylan gives her a soft nod "Yeah"

"Well, hi Dylan"

It became awkward and I looked down at my hands "Um I came to give you your hat back. I know you e been without for a day or two. Sorry I forgot to give it back" she said taking the white hat out the bag

My eyes light up and I swear you could see the heart eyes once the hat was back in my hands "Oh how I've missed you old friend" I said talking to my hat before placing on my head "Chills" I said softly once it was on

They looked at me concerned and like I was crazy "Sorry, security hat" I explained

"Sorry that was my fault I forgot to give it back" Dylan said I nodded my head and gave her a hug

I looked back to Olivia who was standing silently watching our interaction "Anyway, I'm not doing anything right now if you want to like I don't know hangout maybe?" She looked a little nervous

I felt bad because I wanted to hangout with Olivia, but I made plans with Dylan to hangout at my house. I reallyyyy want to hangout with Dylan too though

"Oh- uh sorry Liv I made plans to hangout with Dylan, but I mean we're j-just hanging out at my place if you want to come" I said with a sweet smile

I felt Dylan pinch my arm subtly.

"Sure! I'd like that" she said with a smile

"Ok great! I got a ride from Dylan sooo"

"Oh don't worry I have a car! I'll just follow you guys" she said hooking her arm in mine and start our walk to the parking lot. I tried to stay in arm distance to Dylan so I knew she was still with me

I closed the passenger side door and turned to Dylan "How was your day?" I asked

"It was fine." She said sharp turning on the car and heading out the parking lot

"Just fine? Oh come on I know something was good" I smiled softly trying to get her to open up a little

"I said it was fine stop pressuring me" she rolled her eyes

I was confused and I looked out the window

"I-I'm sorry did I do something to you?" I asked scratching the back of my neck

"Did you do something?" She chuckled at that and shook her head "God you are such a guy!" Dylan said looking at me

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you not realize why I'm mad at you?" She looked back at the road before looking at me again

"I'm soooo confused right now" I didn't know what was happening

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