Part 5

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Dylan POV

"I have" *kiss* "to go" *kiss* "now"I said pecking her lips repeatedly. I still couldn't believe I was kissing her. The girl I wanted was kissing me

I kissed her a little harder and then pulled away. She sat there with her mouth open and I  softly closed her mouth "Y-you don't want t-t stay for...uh um I forgot" she said shyly, scratching her head

"Dinner?" I asked trying to help her out. She snapped her fingers and nodded her head "Yeah dinner. You- you want dinner? I mean, would you like to s-stay dinner- I mean, stay f-for dinner?" Her nerves were cute to me

"You're cute" I said kissing her again "But sadly I have to get home. Walk me home so I feel safe?" I asked clutching onto her shirt

"Sure I can do that" She said standing up with me

"Dad I'll be back!" She yelled while grabbing her jacket and my hand

"Come in? Just for a little please?" She asked with a cute pout and puppy dog eyes

"Fine, but just for a little" I said following her inside

"Tobin Eeps! So you can hang out with my sister, but not your own best friend?! That hurts deep down bro" He said

"I-I didn't even invite her over" I said shyly. I felt a slap on my chest "Tobin!" Dylan said "S-sorry" I said

He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs "You can make it up to me by playing video games" he said

"Caden she has to go home" Dylan said following us "Y-yeah what she s-" I tried to say but was cut off by Caden "Just a round or two" he said once we got to his room
A round or two turned into me sleeping over

"Ok water break!" I said standing up "You want anything?"

He shook his head while he played by himself

As I came down the stairs to the kitchen there Dylan was sitting on the counter just staring into the bowl she had

"Hi" I said softly not to scare her. She looked up and looked sad "Nice abs" she sadly

I looked down to my topless state "Yeah I was only coming down to grab some water. I didn't think you'd be down here" I explained opening the refrigerator door and grabbing some water

When she didn't respond I looked back at her to see she was still staring down at her bowl "Are you sure you're ok?" I asked

"I'm not, but I'll be fine. Im just thinking about Skylar" she said sighing

"You miss him?" I asked sitting at the island across from her "Hell no. I'm just scared" she said

"Im confused. Didn't you break up with him in person?" She looked at me and shook her head. My mouth fell open "You didn't break up with him in person!?" I was in shock. I thought she had

"He called me and I ended it then, but I walked to your house after because I didn't feel safe staying home" she explained to me

"You're a mad man" I joked standing up and leaving

"Can I hangout with you guys? I don't think I can handle being alone right now" she asked. I nodded and waited for her to put her bowl in the sink

She grabbed my hand which took me by surprise "Y- Caden is j-just uh up the thingy...stairs!. Yeah stairs that's what I um meant"I said

Why am I always a hot mess around her. I e had pretty girls hit on me before.

"It's just Caden. He wants us to be together anyway. It's not like he's going to flip on you for holding his sisters hand" she said pulling me up the stairs to his room

"Took you long enough" he said before looking over to us and then our intertwined hands. A huge grin over took his face "Thank the fucking Gods" he said standing up

"Ok here take the beanbag chair in the corner. You guys can cuddle up or whatever shit y'all do just don't fuck. At least not here" he said with a grin pushing us over to the beanbag

"Caden Conrique stop it!" Dylan said

He then pushed me down onto the chair and then pushed Dylan on top of me so that she was sitting on my lap. I groaned because of the impact she made "Sorry" she said softly fluffing my hair up more than it already was

Caden then through my controller at me "See, perfect" he said "oh wait! Hold it don't move!" He said pulling his phone out of his pocket and next thing I know there was flash of a camera

"Caden cut it out!" Dylan said throwing his shoe at him

"Fine" he said turning around and walking t his bed to sit down

I sat there looking at Dylan still a little shocked in the position we were in right now "Tobin stop staring at my sister and join the game" Caden said snapping me out of it

"Right sorry" I said joining. Dylan wrapped my arms around her as she watched us play. She started to scratch the nape of my neck softy "I like this" I said dumbly. What am I six?

She hummed and looked at me. I was so caught up in her eyes. I heard a clearing of a throat "You guys can be all lovey dovey, play the game." He said

I focused on the game while Dylan focused on me. It was hard to focus with this beautiful girl on my lap, but I got it done and I didn't even get a boner. Don't get me wrong Dylan gets me excited, but I did my best not to poke her

"Ok you suck" I trashed talked Caden "Fine we're done! I'm breaking up with you get out!" He joked turning the game off

We all laughed and talked for awhile "Let's all watch movies in the basement till we fall asleep" Caden suggested

So we grabbed a shit ton of blankets and pillows. It was Dylan on the edge, me in the middle, and Caden on the other side.

"Dude touch her. You look so stiff it's uncomfortable just looking at you" he whispered in my ear

"I'm not going to do that. I have respect for her" I whispered back

"I'm telling you to finger her, just hold her hand fuck face" he whispered back smacking me in the head

"Stop hitting me!" I whisper yelled

"If you two don't stop whispering, I'm going to beat the shit out of both of you" Dylan said which made us calm down

"Fuck face" Caden said quickly

"Dibshit" I said back

"Stop it!" Dylan yelled again

"S-sorry" we both said at the same time. She was half my weight and size, but somehow being around her is the most intimated I've ever been

"Do it" he whispered super quiet

I sighed and reached for her hand which she took super easily. She then proceeded to rest her head on my shoulder and come closer

I looked over to Caden who gave me a thumbs up. I gulped and went back to watching the movie. Soon after the first movie ended, I felt my eyelids closing

"Goodnight" Dylan whispered in my ear, slowly lifting her head from my shoulder to kiss my head before laying back on me

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