Part 6

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When I woke up I felt a body on mine. I looked down to see Dylan laying on my chest and her warm hand on my abs. I looked over to see Caden was MIA, which was ok with me.

I sighed and laid back down. "Good morning" I heard her raspy voice say leaning up to look me in my eyes "H-hi" I said

"You're cute when you wake up" She whispered swerving my lips and kissing my cheek "Teeth brushed then I'll kiss you" Dylan said helping me up

"Caden left after the movie ended last night" she explained bringing me into the bathroom and handing me a new toothbrush

After we finished brushing our teeth she placed her warm hand back on my abs again and leaned up to kiss me "Wait!" I said stopping her "Are you sure? I mean y-you just got out of a relationship Dyl. I feel like a dick for using your vulnerability. L-like I'm taking advantage of you. W-we can't do this Dylan. I really really like you, but we can't do this. At least for now" I could tell my words hurt her

"I broke up with Skylar for you. Do you even understand how abusive he was? But you're different! You're soft and sweet and kind of a nerd, but that's what I like so much about you and on top of that you would never hurt a fly" She said I could see the tears pooling

"I understand that. I-I really really do, but relationships like that you need time to heal. Jumping into a new relationship is just going to hurt more. It won't be healthy." I said "On top of that I just got to town a week ago!" I chuckled "I already made best friends I feel like I'm gonna have for the rest of my life and a beautiful amazing girl that I'm gonna have for the rest of my life too, but rushing into it is only going to hurt that future" I said looking into her eyes. For some reason my nerves had settled and I was talking clearly

I brought my hands up to caress her face "Look, I want to be there for you. I want you to have time to heal because I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait Dyl. And I want to be your best friend. Let us get to know every single thing about each other before it can be anything more. Because at the end of the day, that's what a relationship is built off of." I finished wiping the tears that fell from her eyes

She engulfed me in a hug "But just understand she'll be my girlfriend too and we get video game dates!" Caden shouted from outside the door

That made us chuckle "So best friends?" I asked as we pulled apart. She bit her cheek and nodded "Give me a second though" she said before leaning up and kissing me "Ok now we're best friends" she said after we pulled apart

I smiled and opened the door for her. Caden was there with a huge smile on his face "So I'll be a uncle in the future?" He asked as Dylan pushed him out the way "It's just a question geez?" He said looking back at me

"Skate park?" He asked

"Yes please" I said walking out beside him
After our skate session we got back to Caden's. It was good getting out of my house. It just a jail cell that makes me remember my mother, but sadly there was school tomorrow and I had to get home

"I'll see you tomorrow Cad. Mr and Mrs. Conrique thank you for letting me stay" I said politely, hugging Mrs. Conrique and shaking Mr. Conrique's hand

"We love having you here Tobin" Mr. Conrique said

After I said my goodbyes I headed to the door "Wait Tobin!" I heard Dylan say running down the stairs. She came up to me and practically jumped into my arms

I heard a clearing of a throat that kind of made us jump away from each other "Have a good evening Dylan" I joked shaking her hand

"You as well Tobin" she said and with that I left for home
Dylan POV

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