Chapter 10

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Going back to the house in my room is calming. I don't ever want to go back to a hospital again. I wanted to apologize to Rhemington, but what was I suppose to say? I know he couldn't stand me right now. This wasn't very mate like of me. That little voice wanted nothing to make it up to him, and I had an idea.

Running to my room I pull out my secret weapon, a white lingerie set. I was going to blow this alphas mind. I know that he usually changes into sweat pants around 4:40. So I have ten minutes until he will come into his room. I change quickly and lay ass up face down on his bed. A few minutes later I can hear his big ass feet. As the doorknob turns I get nervous.

My nerves leave when a voice catches me off guard though. It's not the alpha's voice. No it's Luna's and she's laughing at him. I watch as she kisses his cheek and his hands travel to her ass. He's too occupied to even notice me, but Luna does. The smirk shows it. I bite my lip so I don't cry. When he finally sees me, his jaw drops.

"'s not- ."

"Save it Rhemington. It's not what it looks like my ass, or should I say Luna's since your hands are currently resting there."

I shove past them. I can't stand him. All he does is care about himself. I could feel my heart breaking. That stupid little beating thing was cracking. This is what I get for putting my walls down. I'm so fucking stupid. I go right across the hall to my room and lock the door.


Rhemington's POV

That was not suppose to happen. At all. That went for the worse. Why did I put my hands on her ass? AK wasn't speaking to me. Nor was Quinn, no matter how hard I knocked.

"Quinn please let me in, at least eat."

"Rhemington I'm telling you right now, leave me alone."

"Can you please eat for me, it's been 9 hours."

She doesn't respond. Her attempts to stop crying are getting harder. I can tell she's about to go into a panic attack. I need to do something. Ak is getting antsy. So I do the only logical thing and break down her door. She is still in the white lingerie.


By her face I think she is shocked. No one dares speak to me or any Alpha that way. The tears fall faster on her face and she's sobbing.

"Quinn you need to eat...Now."

She throws something at me but I dodge it and instead launch myself at her. I pin her wrist above her head. "Don't you dare throw anything at me again." She laughs in my face. "Fuck you Alpha."

Looking into her eyes I can see the tears. I want to fix it. I grab her face and kiss her. I want more so I pull her closer. And slide my tongue into her mouth. We fight for dominance ... was what was suppose to happen instead she pushes me away and curls into a ball under her covers.

I walk out with my tail between my legs. Mars and Lex are standing at the door. Mars pats my back "it'll be okay man. Just give her time."

AK didn't want time. I didn't even want to give her time. This wasn't fair. Even in my office I could hear her cries. My hands slam the desk and I march upstairs. She's still under the covers. I grab her and the blanket and take her downstairs to my office. I sit her in my lap, and start looking over the other packs sighting of Red Eyed Rouges. But there wasn't anything. Her sniffles muffled my thoughts. My hands go to her hair to play with her hair. AK purrs.

"I'm sorry Quinn. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Well you did." She snapped.

"How about I make it up to you?"


"Whatever you want babygirl."

"I want a dog..."

"Oh fuck me."

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