Ch 5: Reunion in Ba Sing Se

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry, Lee. What have you and your Uncle been doing out here on your own?" I asked and the smile on his face was adorable. 

"I thought I needed to do something to regain my horror, but I learned that honor is something that no one can take. I'm happy here," he said. I smiled brightly. 

"I'm glad Lee. You must've already found this out, but it's important to follow your heart," I told him and he nodded. I noticed the sun setting and I knew I would have to leave soon. "Lee, I have to go."

Zuko pulled me into a tight hug, and I wrapped my arms around him too. 

"It was great seeing you again, Y/n. I hope we'll see each other soon," he whispered and I nodded into his chest. 

"We will. Take care Lee," I told him and he gave me a final smile before walking back into the tea shop. I took a final look at the Jasmine Dragon before walking back towards the lower ring. 

Zuko's one part of my Fire Nation life that I'm sad to have lost. But I've found him again, and I'm excited he's doing so well. 

Alright, time for the swim back to my new life...

A few weeks later...

Sokka POV

We had gotten the Earth King on our side and imprisoned the Dai Li's leader, Long Feng. Positive thinking and positive energy really does wonders. And now, I finally get to see Dad again. 

"You haven't seen your dad in over two years. You must be so excited!" Aang said as we landed in Chameleon Bay. I could see the Water Tribe ships and all of a sudden my stomach turned. 

"I know I should be, but I just feel sick to my stomach," I replied honestly. 

"Don't be nervous, he's gonna be so happy to see you," Aang reassured me. I asked Aang if he was nervous to meet the guru, and his confidence helped bolster mine. I jumped down from Appa and watched them leave before taking a deep breath and walking over to the ships. 

I tried to walk in confidently, but I was still nervous surrounded by all the warriors. A man appeared in front of me and I thought I was going to get told to leave, but he extended a hand and I shook it firmly. 

"Sokka, good to see you," a man said and the others offered similar hellos. They all stood a path for me to the biggest tent, and I knew that's where my father would be. 

I walked towards it and couldn't help the smile on my face when I saw him. Bato had to tap him to look up from his maps, but when he saw me he smiled too. 

"Sokka," he said and he stood up to come to me. 

"Hi, dad," was all I could manage to say. I hugged my father for the first time in years. Words cannot describe how happy I am right now. 

"Sokka, I've missed you so much. But where's Katara?" He asked me. 

"She's here in Ba Sing Se. She stayed with the Earth King to plan an invasion of the Fire Nation. But she told me to tell you she misses you," I explained and he nodded. He guided me out of his tent with a hand around his shoulder. 

"There's a lot we need to catch up on, but first there's someone who I'd like you to meet. Well you've already met her," he said and he walked me down to the shore. 

There was a girl there, bending the tide up and around her body, controlling it with precision. I thought I was seeing things. 

"Y/n, look who came to see us," my father said and she turned around. Matching smiles broke out on our faces. 

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