CH I. Bonsai Lilies.

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!!WARNING!! This chapter has non consensual sexual acts in it. If you're sensitive to the topic of rape, please leave.

Amy's POV.

"On your mark..."

"Get set..."

"GO!!" Yelled Tails waving the checkered flag.

At the same time we both sped off on our hoverboards. I saw cream in the audience cheering me on and waving at me, I waved back and gave her a bright smile. Distracted by the beige rabbit, I felt someone rush past me.

I looked over at the ebony hedgehog who was my opponent and snapped back to my senses. Now competitive I sped down the track trailing a little bit behind him.

As I was following him, I saw a boarded tunnel that seemed to lead to the other side of the track. Being as competitive as I was, I broke through the boarded entrance and sped down the ridiculously long tunnel which had been taken over by nature as there were many vines and very pretty wild flowers of some sort on the floor and walls.

But as soon as I sped down the tunnel, not even a quarter of the way in, I felt a strange sensation and feeling wash over me. My body temperature rose dramatically, my body began to blush, my heartbeat slowed down and I felt a very slight wet sensation between my legs. Nonetheless I kept going.


"Oh god.. now?! Why now?! I don't see any male hedgehogs around, I have no idea what could've triggered me to go into heat like this.." I thought to myself.

Shadow's POV.

I looked behind me and saw Rose, trailing not too far behind me. I smirked as I knew I would win this race. It was too easy it's pathetic.

My ear twitched and I turned around as I heard a loud cracking noise. I saw Rose enter a tunnel that Had a couple of vines and flowers sticking out of it.
I clenched my jaw in anger and annoyance.

"So she decided to cheat huh..." I whispered underneath my breath and quickly sped behind her, catching up quickly.

I wasn't bothered by the fact that the tunnel was crowded by the ridiculous amount of nature and greenery that took over the tunnel. When I ended up next to her I looked at her angrily and yelled.

"Did you really think you could bypass me and cheat?" I said with clear annoyance in my voice.

She had a strange pale look to her face, but I couldn't care less about the pink brat.

"Well then think again, pinky." I said and sped off passing her. Hah, victory is mine again.

Suddenly, I got this strange feeling.

My heartbeat slowed down, my face and body began to blush, my body temperature rose and I began to sweat quite a bit.

I knew I wasn't sick, so what's causing this strange feeling? Then it hit me..

I looked around and took a closer look at the purple and orange colored wild flowers and let out a small gasp.


Tails was explaining the rules of the race to us which was just the usual basic rules of a race. He then proceeded to give us precautions and warn us about something.

"Now, I must warn you guys to stay as far away from the boarded up tunnel that you guys will see after the second turn." Tails said with a look of concern in his face.

"Uh why? Isn't that tunnel apart of the track?" Asked Rose.

"Well yes, but recently it's been infested with these orange and purple wild flowers. If you see them, do not touch them and stay far away from them." Tails said as we nodded.

"Those flowers are a rare species of bonsai lily, that's pollen and scent will cause hedgehogs to go into a strong heat. For your guy's safety it's better that you guys stay away from it at all causes." He finished explaining.

End of flashback.

"Damn it! The bonsai lilies!" I mentally cursed myself out.

Suddenly I saw Rose caught up to me, and began to curse me out but due to the effect of the lilies, I tuned it all out and the most strongest desire for sexual pleasure washed over me.

I looked up at rose, and kicked her off her board. Causing her to fall off and hit the hard concrete ground. She whimpered in pain at the hard impact but I didn't care. All I wanted to be relieved of my sexual frustration.

Amy's POV.

I whimpered and groaned in pain as I hit the hard ground, caused by Shadow kicking me off my board. When I turned my head around to curse him out  I was caught off guard when I saw him standing in front of me, his eyes that were usually a dull crimson red color were now glowing bright red looking down at me.

"Shadow.. are you okay?" I asked now nervous.

He suddenly got on top of me, and pulled down my pants. Shocked, I blushed and panicked trying  to push him away by his torso. But that just resulted in him twisting my arm and pinning it behind my back.

"S-shadow?! What're you doing?!" I asked now my heart beating fast.

He didn't respond, and I felt his other arm wrap around my waist and move up to my chest, ripping off my shirt along with my bra. At some point I tried to hit him with my hammer that I made appear in my free hand, and in attempt to get out, I tried swinging at him. But Shadow being Shadow caught my arm and threw the hammer to the side.

He began to kiss and suck on my neck and shoulders as his hands groped my breasts and massaged them slowly.

Tears began to run down my face as I now realized what was happening.

"S-Sonic!!" I called out for Sonic hoping he would somehow hear me all the way from the starting line and come rescue me.

But it was like my body betrayed me, because my body felt so good, and I wanted more of his touch. When he'd kiss and mark my skin I felt like I was flying, I loved it.  My tail began wagging like crazy telling him I was somehow enjoying it.

My face turned bright red, almost as red as his eyes when I felt something long and hard on my ass. I gasped loudly when he pulled my panties off, revealing the messy slick wetness that was hiding between my legs. I looked back at him with teary eyes because he stopped for a second, and I could've sworn I saw him smirk as he saw my unclothed body.

"S-shadow, don't.. please" I begged him.

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