Chapter 15

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(this is a dabi pov btw)

"Touya!" I stop. Since when were me and Hawks fighting? "I know!" He shouts and Kanni comes from behind him "we remember!" They both hold out thier arms "please come back to us!" Keigo shouts "we miss you bubs!" Kanni says. I break down, "GUYS!" I run towards them "I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" "We missed you to touya" "let's go home now" I run up to them and hug them. When they disappear....and I wake up.

"Dabi come on wake up Kurogiri made breakfast!" I hear toga yell from outside my room, I open my eyes and curse the fact that I live another day. 'i haven't thought of them in years....why now?' I sit up in my bed with my hair falling in my face, my black hers, I pull the hair out of my face and try to wake up it had only been a few days since the bank incident. Why did SHE have to be there? Why did I feel the need to pull her in and hold her close? Sure I missed her, she is my childhood friend anyway. I sigh "why did they have to forget? Why not me too? It would've been much more easier." I needed answers, I needed to make sure if she got them back or not I need to make sure it's her.

I get up and get dressed I didn't bother with my hair and walked out "Hi dabi!!" I hear toga call out "hmm" still tired i sit and eat a bit before getting up again "and where do you think your going?" Shigaraki says sitting at the bar "out" I say not bothering looking at him "out where? And by yourself?" I roll my eyes "why would you care? It's none of your business anyway crusty" I growl "Dabi that's not nice! We do care- no we don't- yes we do!" I walk to the door and open it "I don't care, it's none of your business anyways" I walk out and close the door and hear talking "what's his problem?" "Probably woke up on the wrong side of them bed as usual" "Shiggy!!"

I put my mask and sunglasses on along with my coat that I had and walked off. She looked like she was going somewhere that day, maybe work? She has a job? She seems to be doing pretty good now even though she moved away for a while, seems like she's back. I walk and stop by the cafe she was at a few days ago and sat at a table with a news paper when she walks in with a friend 'i wonder who that is and Kanni....she looked pretty tired today, I hope she's okay' they were talking and I hear the other girl 'cass' or 'Cassie' was her name I think mention about how kanni was living. "I know Alli but you can't just be living paycheck from paycheck it's not healthy!" "I dunno cass...I feel like I lost that kinda motivation years ago, now I just try to get by the best I can" the other girl crosses her arms "well the least you can do buy more food to cook! You love cooking what happened?" Kanni or Allison rolls her eyes

"Cass I really don't wanna talk about this now and besides what's wrong with hot pockets?" They get thier drinks and walk out and into a car and drive off. 'Shes not doing to well huh? Living paycheck to paycheck is the best she can do? What happened to wanting to become a pro hero?' I think to myself before getting up and leaving. She definitely lived in the area because this was the way she went to work, I later stood by the place she worked it was a nice little restaurant nothing fancy just something that's open a lot during the day and night. I stayed there til it started to get dark 'she sure does work long shifts' I thought as I started to get up to leave then hear her walk out. "Bye Cassie I'll see you tomorrow!" She walks off to an allyway before looking around and going in, I got curious and walk towards but when I get close I see something fly out of the allyway and look up and see those familiar black and red wings.

I stare in awe, she still knew how to fly and look at them! Damn her wings got big. I didn't see her for the rest of the night so I went back to the base. It was late when I got there and shigaraki didn't look happy "You were gone all day without explanation or permission dabi, what was so important you left out of no where?" I glared "like I said none of your fucking business crusty, just stay out of my way" I said as I went to my room and laid on my bed 'That day at the bank....keigo was there too, I wanted so much to say the gang was back together but- they wouldn't understand they wouldn't know.' I feel a tear threaten to fall and I wiped my face, feeling my scars and looking down on them 'when we were kids she would heal my burns and keep them from getting worse'

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