Chapter 14

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"Kanni! Wanna go fly with me?" I turn around and see kei "hm? Oh sure! Wanna go to our cliff?" He flaps his wings "really!? You mean it!?" We were just kids, we didn't know any better "yup! Let me go inside and put some leggings on okie kei?" He nods and sits and I run inside "AUNTY KEI AND I ARE GOING FLYING!" I hear her give the okay and I put my leggings on and run outside, I was in a skirt and my aunt told me to have something covering me underneath when I fly. I walk outside and kei is still there "ready kei?" He nods and he starts to fly off and I follow shortly after.

We were flying when the wind slowly picked up and I was getting tired "kei let's take a break" "huh? But we're almost there" "I know but I need to rest my wings before flying in the rough wind" he nods and we land on a building rooftop. "I think having big wings takes more effort than having wings like mine" he shrugs,I turn to him "so? Is having big wings a bad thing?" He shakes his head "no I just think-" we hear someone yelp "ahh!" Curious kei and I both look down and see a woman getting messed with by another guy. "Kei we need to help her!" He looks at me like I was crazy "what are we supposed to do?! We're just two kids" "go get help! I'll help her" he shakes his head "no! I'm not leaving you here!" I push him a bit "hurry! I'll be fine just go!"

He hesitates before taking off and I jump down using my wings to soften my landing. I flex my wings to make myself look as big as I could. I was a child, but I knew what needed to be done "LEAVE HER ALONE MEANIE!!" He laughs "oh and what are you going to do little girl? Slap me with those tiny pitiful wings?" "GO AWAY!!" I yell back at him. He kicks me and I fall to the ground "didn't your mommy and daddy ever tell you to stay out of grown ups business?" I felt myself get mad, and I stand up and rise my wings up once again "I said LEAVE HER ALONE." the women looks at me "no no just go I'll be fine" I ignore her and the guy grabs me by the neck and slams me against the wall. I don't remember what happened after that, I just remember coming back and seeing me covered in ashes and blood....and kei standing not far from me covered in soot.

"Kei?....what did I do?"


I jolted up when I woke up, in a panic 'what the hell was that!?' I was crying and panicking but I didn't know why "babybird? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I felt hawks pull me close wrapping his wing around me trying to calm me down. I was crying hysterically "I- we were- I didn't!- I KILLED HIM!!! WHY ME!? I COULDN'T HELP IT!!" I kept crying in his shoulder feeling my hair light up and my skin burn, but he didn't move he just held me even if he would get burned just by being close to me. I was a mess, my wings tensed and I couldn't control myself. "Shh shh your okay now, it was just a nightmare. Your safe now" he kept holding me.

When I calmed down enough I pushed him away fast "babybird-?" "DID I HURT YOU!? YOUR NOT BURNED ARE YOU!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT" I say checking his arms his wing, everywhere I had him in my grasp finding soft burns where I held him with my arms and burns where my hair had touched him and started crying again. " stupid" I said pulling away, he grabbed my arms and made me look at him "I know I could get hurt doing that but I don't care! That doesn't matter to me! What matters is you feeling safe and you just being okay!" My body hadn't calmed down all the way and my skin was still hot to the touch, but again he didn't pull away. "Stop! I'm burning you!" He didn't let go "I don't care! Just breathe with me kanni!" I stop I forgot I told him my name, he looked at me with complete understanding and I felt myself start to relax.

My body calmed down and I was safe to hold again, to touch again. "Keigo..?" "Hm?" "Want me to check out those burns?" He shakes his head "don't worry about that right now just relax" I thought I'd be of some comfort to him and lowered my body temperature so I could hold him better without bothering his little burns.

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