We soon enough separated and he got out of bed and I laid there trying to get the remaining thoughts of that dream out of my head. He soon came back with food and I sat up so I could eat. He sat next to me as I ate "so....want to talk about it?" I look away and shake my head "no...not right now" he nods and I look up, he didn't have too bad of burns just mostly where my hair was. I got done and move the plate to the bedside table and get up. Only to have my legs turn to jelly and I fall the the ground. I hear laughing as I look up and turn to Hawks "need help babybird?" I glare at him "you did this to me.....how dare you?" Smirks "just means I did a good job huh?" I prop my head up with my arm and smirk at him. "I guess, doesn't mean you can rob me of my ability to walk though" he walks over and picks me up.

"Just means I need to take care of my babybird today" "but I have work-" his face falls and he's suddenly serious "about that" 'uh oh' I look at him "what's wrong?" "Nothing I just..." He nussles into my neck "I've been meaning to ask, uh would you- um" I hold onto him "would I um?" He chuckles into my neck "I'm trying to be serious" I let out a dramatic sigh "fiiine what is it?" "My assistant quit the other day and...I wanted...to ask if you'd....want to...take their place?" 'work at his agency? That used to be a dream of mine since he made it big enough to have one' I pause and give a hum like I'm thinking "I dunno, being in the same workplace with someone who acts like a dork might be a bad idea!!~" he groans "I can not be a dork" he looks at me and sits me on the bed and he sits next to me "can you?" I cross my arms "please kanni?" He looks at me like a lost puppy begging for food, my heart wanted to melt. 'how dare he do this to me'

I sigh "sure I'd love to birdy" he smiles and hugs me again "yay! My babybird can come to work with me!" I mess with his hair "I need to tell my manager I quit though" he looks up all excited "I can do that for you!" I shake my head "I could just have cass tell him" "if it means I can keep holding you then okay!" I was about to say something when my phone goes off ' Tiler ' i pick it up "one sec birdy-" I answer it "hello?"

"Hey alli I wanted to know if you were going to come by the cafe today"

"Hm no not today why? Is something up?" I hear him stutter a bit

"N-no but I did want to talk to you"

"Well spit it out" Hawks tries to listen in but I push him away

"No no I uh, I think it'd be rude to do it over phone should I come over" I jump a bit

"No no thats fine we can just meet or something"
Hawks looks at me suspiciously, I look at him and put a finger over my lips to tell him to be quiet and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay we'll meet me at the park at three?" I check the time, that's two hours from now. Damn I slept in

"Yea that'll work see you then"

"Okay buh bye love!"

"Yea okay bye- wait what?" He hung up before I could say anything else.

"Weird" Hawks looks at me "what?" "Nothing I just gotta meet Tiler in a few hours" if he wasn't already laying down I think he'd dramatically throw himself on the bed, he groans "but whhhhyyy??? You can't even walk!" "I know I'll just fly" "nooooo" "keigo stop being childish, he said he needed to tell me something in person so I'd be there and back" "where are you going?" "The park" I use my wings to get out of bed and go to the door and make my way out "I'm coming too!!!" He runs after me and I stop just barely at my door and land, I'm able to stand better but still wobbly and he sees me "you can stand now?" I blush and stop "u-uh yea my quirk allows me to heal faster" I say awkwardly "well in that case~" he walks up behind me and I feel his breathe on my neck, it sends a shiver down my spine.

I push him off "n-no no! I need my legs today! I also need to shower!" "Mind if I join" "if you do it'll take forever" "no it won't!" He pokes his lower lip out making a pouty face, 'i can't say no to that face!!!' I sigh "fine" he perks his wings up and hugs me "yay!" Then he takes off into the bathroom while I set out my clothes. I walk into the bathroom and start to undress when he walks back into the bathroom and sees me "not too hot not to cold" I turn to him with my cheeks a bit pink "sorry?" His face turns red "I-I MEAN THE WATER!!" I laugh to myself and get in the shower and he undresses and does the same. I wash what I can and so does he, he helps me get the back of my wings and I help him "mind if I do your hair?" "Are to sure? My hair is a bit long and hard to handle" he smiles "I don't mind" I nod and move my hair back and he gets soap and rubs it into my scalp, I feel my body relax when he does, it felt soothing.

He moves down along my hair making sure to get all of it and rinses it "my turn!" I turn around and he looks at me Confused, I look at him and groan "your a bit too tall lean down a bit" he sighs and does so as I get some soap on my hands and rub it into his hair gently and I see him relax at my touch. I felt bad about burning him, I rinsed his hair and as he was about to turn the water off I stopped him "hey um...I wanna try...healing, those burns from this morning" he looks at me "babybird it's fine-" "stop. Just let me help you keigo" he stops, he sighs and looks at me "if it'll make you feel better" I sigh in relief and turn off the water and cover myself in a towel and get dressed. he had his boxers on and sat on the bed and I got a bowel of cold water.

"Bowel of water?" "With a wash rag, I saw my uncle help treat all kinds of injuries like this" I set it beside me and took off my gloves "why do you have your gloves today?" I look at them "I'm not sure, just felt right to have them today. Now the water is a bit cold but it'll help the burns now sit still" I saw him tense but he did his best to get comfortable, I grabbed the rag and drained the water out so it's damp and put it on a burn on his neck. He flintched before relaxing at the cool cloth. I let it sit there while I checked for any burns I didn't notice before that needed to be treated first. Just where my hair touched him..... luckily. I took off the cloth and made my hand cool before touching it, he jumped at the sudden pressure "sorry!" "It's fine" I tried to focus my energy into my hand when my palm started glowing, I hadn't done this in years! Was I doing it? I saw him relax and I moved my hand, it wasn't fully healed but it was much more better than before.

I feel myself tear up "babybird!? What's wrong did it not work!?" "No no...it's not that" "then what's wrong?" I look up at him and smile "I didn't think I could still do it!" He looked at his shoulder and hugs me "Keigo! Careful! I gotta finish!! Haha!" He lets go and I finish. He gets dressed and we head out to the park. We get there and I see tiler before Hawks and he- has flowers!? 'oh boy this is not going to end well' I think to myself, hawks is behind me and I land a bit ways away from tiler and Hawks does the same. "Keigo stay here please?" He nods "don't take forever" "I won't". I walk towards tiler and he sees me and smiles.

"Hey alli!" "Hi tiler what's up?" I had a pretty good idea how this was gonna go so I just needed to play along. "I know we haven't known each other very long but I wanted to get a chance to ask you" I cross my arms and he takes out the flowers from behind his back 'how did he get those in the middle of winter?'

"Oh tiler there beautiful but, how did you get them in the middle of winter?" He shrugs "I got them from someone who said you'd like it" 'was it cass? Or Carmen? Maybe my aunt is visiting?' "thank you tiler, but what did you want to talk about?" I...

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"Oh tiler there beautiful but, how did you get them in the middle of winter?" He shrugs "I got them from someone who said you'd like it" 'was it cass? Or Carmen? Maybe my aunt is visiting?' "thank you tiler, but what did you want to talk about?" I see his cheeks turn a shade of pink "I wanted to ask you out on a date" 'i knew it, he was such a sweet guy but- I didn't see him like that' "Tiler...-" "please allison....go out with me?" I look back at hawks who was just watching, he didn't look to happy.

I turned back to him and shook my head "I'm sorry tiler but, I don't see you like that. Your like a brother to me...." I give him the bouquet back and turn away "Wait! Please Allison! Don't leave!" "Sorry tiler....I really am" I walk away towards Hawks and I hear him break down and throw the flowers down "were leaving." I say as I take out my wings, someone else was watching and I didn't want to stick around any longer. Hawks and I left and I didn't look back.


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