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"I don't understand." Link uttered out as Zelda sighed and frowned.

She threw her arms up. "What don't you understand?"

The blonde hero stole a glance at the bounty hunter before turning back to his girlfriend. "Why does Samus needs to find a good outfit?"

"Oh? That's it?" Zelda asked, surprised.

"Pretty much."

Samus gaped in horror as Zelda began to blurt out about how the hero-king and huntress like each other and that he was only into girly girls.

Link raised a brow. "So all this is for a boy?"

The bounty hunter blushed as played with her long ponytail. "Uh, yeah."

The Hylian hero shook his head. "No offense, love, but your plan is really bad." Link said to Zelda.

She gasped and glared, feeling offended. "And why is that?"

"Well, if Marth really likes her, why doesn't he accept her for who she is?" The hero stated.

Zelda crossed her arms stubbornly. "Because change is good sometimes, and that's just what Samus needs."

Link sighed as his girlfriend fumed. "Fine, okay. I'll help you guys." He said defeated.

Grinning with smugness, the princess turned to Samus. "Okay, Sammy, ready for a small fashion show?"

"No." The huntress said bluntly before looking at Link. "How do I look? And be honest."

He shrugged. "You look fine."

"Aha! See, Zelda. I look fine, I won't need to try anymore on."

Zelda rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but that does not mean you're going to skip our lesson tomorrow."

Hyrule's hero butted in. "Uh, lessons?"

"Every day Zelda is gonna teach me about something horrible girly or some shit like that--" Smack! "--Ow! Okay, sorry! It just slipped out."

Link dead panned. "Zelda, did you just flick her on the face?" He asked as the huntress rubbed her throbbing forehead.

Samus cried out. "Yes, she did! Be careful, Link, your girlfriend is psycho!"

Gasping, the princess flicked her again. "I am not psycho!"

"Uh, you kinda do get crazy..."

"Link! Don't agree with her!" Zelda growled.

Samus bit her lip. "Alright, Zel, just calm down, don't want to burn down the room like last time with your temper."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" The princess said, getting more frustrated by the second.

Who knew the wise Princess of Hyrule had such a short temper?

Link immediately walked to his princess, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close. "Love, just calm down. If you do, I'll take you to your favorite restaurant for dinner."

Zelda perked up, the frustrating diminishing instantly. "Really?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "I want Hylian pizza."

Samus pretened to gag the somewhat-mushy scene, quietly leaving without the two Hylians noticing. She let out a loud sigh of relief when she successfully exited the room without being spotted.

As the huntress walked down the corridors, she couldn't help but notice the funny yet lustful stares she would receive from the male Smashers she would past by.

It wasn't until she bumped into Lucina that she found out why.

The exalted princess's eyes brightened as Samus stalked by. "Samus, hey!"

Stopping, the huntress looked at her. "Oh, hey?"

"Wow, I'm not that big into, like, clothes and stuff, but that shirt your wearing is actually pretty cute. Where'd you get it at?"

"What?" The blonde bounty hunter bemused before looking down at herself. She gasped in horror when she realized she was still wearing the clothes Zelda had given her.

"Uh, your shirt? Where did you buy it at?" The blue haired princess repeated, this time feeling slightly confused.

"Oh! Um, right. I-I don't know. You should ask Zelda, she got it for me." Was all Samus said before pushing past Lucina, wrapping her arms around her chest to hopefully cover herself.

Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap! I totally forgot to change! Zelda really must be a psycho if she thinks I'm going to wear this to dinner! The huntress thought as she began to take an alternative route to her own room.

Samus took deep breaths to calm herself as she walked down the corridors. Luckily, her room was nearby. She felt relief wash over her, that is until she bumped straight into the last person she wanted to see at that moment.

The space hunter let out an oomph as she stumbled back. She held her head as she regained balanced and looked up, all color from her face diminishing.

"Uh, um, uh, Marth!"

He looked up, surprised at first. "Samus?" A grin broke out. "Hey, Samus, what's up?"

The huntress began to blush as she stumbled over her words. "Hey, uh, hi..M-Marth. Um, how are you?" She blurted out.

Unaware of her flustered state, he continued. "Oh, I'm doing good. Even better now that I bumped into you. Say, are you busy later on?"

Samus shook her head. "N-no I don't think so."

The royal broke out into a charming grin. "Perfect." He leaned forward towards the blonde beauty and placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Meet me here before dinner. I have something I want to ask you."

The intergalactic hunter furiously nodded her head. "Yeah, of course," She sputtered out as Marth's smile grew.

"Great." He lifted up her hand and placed a small butterfly kiss on it. "I'll see you then." The Hero-King dropped her hand gracefully before walking off, leaving Samus in a blissful state.

Once he was gone, she squealed. Inwardly.

"Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" The huntress blared out as she floated on cloud nine. Samus looked down at herself and but her lip to stop herself from squealing again.

"Maybe Zelda is right. These clothes really did me good." The huntress boasted as she walked back towards the princess's room, completely forgetting about her previous plan.


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