"She got hurt when she hunted before!" Roxy whispers angrily, Amethyst starts writing.

When she hunted with me! That was my fault!

Roxy reads it before looking at her sister's mask.
"She shouldn't be around you then if she's gonna get hurt. I don't want her to end up like you! A broken-down woman who can't figure out if she should care about herself or not just because of that asshole!" Roxy whispers again.

I was gone before he did this

As Roxy is reading the note, Amethyst takes off her mask and points at her face, Roxy stares down her sister and looks over the scars on her sister's face, Amethyst puts her mask back on.

"Admit it, Ame, you'll never be the same after it" Roxy whispers, Amethyst starts writing but when she rereads it, she rips it apart.

"What'd you write? Is it about Sadie? Were you gonna use that to hurt me?" Roxy asks, Amethyst doesn't respond.

"Sadie was your fault, and you know it, I honestly hope the day you finally breakdown, the only thought that goes through your head is, Sadie was my fault" Roxy says, Amethyst doesn't do anything but listen to her sister.

Then Amethyst drops her notebook suddenly, and runs the way Freya went, leaving her sister to hunt alone.

Freya's POV

I pull up my mask as I climb down the tree I was sitting in for hunting. Pulling the arrow out of the rabbit, I tie the now dead rabbit to the rope around my waist.

I should get back to the shed. Those two are gonna get worried if I'm gone too long.

The prison fell too quickly for the group. It was our home for such a short time. I'm not sure if anyone else made it and I'm scared I might never see my brother again.

Quietly, I run through the forest, keeping my feet from hitting too many leaves. Pulling my weight from my steps, I continue running until I hear walkers and someone yelling angrily. They sound so broken.

Sneaking around a tree, I stab a walker with the longer tanto blade, ducking under another's arms as it reaches for me. Yanking my grandpa's knife out of it's holster, I push a walker into a tree and reach up to stab it.

I hear another walker behind me but it's groans quickly go quiet and I hear its body hit the ground.

The other person and I quickly kill off the last few walkers.

Breathing heavily, I look at the double dead walkers. We killed 10 walkers.

Looking at the person, I instantly pull down my hood and complete shock is flowing in my eyes, the person stares back before a small shocked smile shows on his face.

"I would say I'm surprised, but I knew you were a survivor when I met you. Hi again, Raven" He says, sadness overtaking his eyes.
"You're broken, more than before" He says, making me slightly glare at him.
"Don't call me broken, I've never been broken" I say, an amused smile crosses his lips at my response. My eyes travel around the forest.
"What should I call you then?" He asks, I look back at him.
"Call me a fighter" I say, he nods and watches my stance how my hand twitches with the blade in it.

"Good to see you're alive" I mumble, wanting to run up and give him a fist bump but also knowing people changed.

He smiles back at me.

"Same" He says.

We stay quiet until suddenly, Amethyst is by my side, her bow aimed around us.

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