Kirishima: "..."

Midoriya puts his hands up "You couldn't keep it a secret for much longer. Even without trying to, I've began to notice.."

Todoroki: "Wasn't me."

Asami: "I wasn't supposed to say that, was I?"

Kirishima: "Nevermind, I'll get you that drink.."

Asami nods and follows her into the kitchen as the bakugous stare, surprised at bakugou, who simply sighs and brings a hand to his face.

Hawks: "You got someone pregnant? Are you dating someone I was never told about?"

Bakugou: "In my defence, I am not the only one who kept it a secret. Plus, we didn't even mean to tell those guys."

Bakugou looks up and says "Plus, asami's a kid, you can't really blame her for blurting it out eventually, kept it for quite a while though."

Kirishima: "Almost a week."

Asami: "It's only been a week? Aww.... that's sad.."

Mira: "Only been a week? How long have you known?"

Bakugou: "Since the results of the tests came round...."

Mitsuki: "That's when it happened? In the facility? Then it could have only been mina, which it isn't because she's got sero's baby, so... jiro or kirishima."

Masaru tilts his head slightly and they slowly look over to kirishima, who simply says "What, surprise you? Also, jiro's lesbian, I thought that was obvious."

Todoroki: "It kinda is.."

Bakugou: "How'd you think asami found out?"

Mira: "Fair.."

Hawks: "Wait, wait. So her parents don't know?"

Kirishima: "I am here still, but no, they don't."

Bakugou shakes his head "Told you, a secret from everyone. Not just you, so don't go getting offended."

Kirishima: "I suppose I best give my parents a visit now. Actually, it's late, I'll call them."

Mitsuki: "Wait, how long have you been dating without telling anyone?"

Bakugou frowns slightly "About... 3, 4 months?"

Kirishima: "Mhm.. around that."

Todoroki: "Well... if you're 18 weeks pregnant.. only dated about a week after the thing to get pregnant happened and then found out when you were 17, almost 18 weeks... so yeah, around 3-4 months."

Kirishima: "That was way too much information.."

Bakugou: "Yeah, at least I did better then you. You guys slept together for like a month before you actually got together. Plus, we were kinda locked in a room, so.."

Todoroki: "Now that really was too much information."

Midoriya just covers his red face with his hands as missy and mira chuckle slightly and say "Now's as good a time as any."

Missy and mira go to eachother and mira says "Mum, dad, keigo, katsuki, everyone, this is my girlfriend."

Mitsuki: "This is soo much information to process.."

Bakugou groans "Damnit, now deku could actually become my brother. I don't need that."

Midoriya looks up and smiles slightly "Good for you guys..."

Asami smiles "Yeah!"

Masaru: "Ok... we've officially broken your mother.."

Kirishima: "...right.."

Hawks: "Well, I think this is great."

Bakugou: "You do?"

Hawks nods "Yeah, my wife's 13 weeks pregnant, your girlfriend is 18 weeks pregnant, these guys are finally together and those two, well, they're cute too. We're going to ignore the fact you knocked up my boss' daughter though."

Bakugou crosses his arms and says "Your boss? I thought that was endeavour?"

Todoroki: "Endeavour works for the kirishimas. You were at the party, how didn't you know that?"

Bakugou: "I guess so. Like, your boss' boss."

Hawks: "Yep, and their boss."

Kirishima only chuckles and says "I still find it funny how many homophobic employees they have. I mean, if you're homophobic, maybe working for a lesbian couple isn't for you. Most people think they're just friends that live together or something."

Todoroki: "That is true."

Then kirishima looks at asami "Let's get you to bed now," asami nods and follows her to her room, closing the door behind them both.

She tucks asami in and kisses her forehead good night, then slowly walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Walking into the livingroom, she sees everyone's still here and sits down next to hawks and bakugou, who are currently watching something as masaru, mitsuki, mira, todoroki, missy and midoriya are all talking about something.

Kirishima just drinks her juice and then puts the glass on the side, on a coaster, and then puts her legs up and lays her head down on bakugou's shoulder. He looks over and then puts an arm around her as he continues to watch whatever's on the TV with his brother.

Soon, she falls asleep there and bakugou moves her head gently onto her lap before it falls there. Then he gets a thin blanket and covers her over with it, running his fingers through her hair gently as he turns back to watch the TV again.

Hawks looks over and smiles slightly, then says "You know, I never pictured you with someone who's... basically the polar opposite to you."

Mira looks over and smiles slightly, then comes over to them with missy, midoriya and todoroki, who follow her. Todoroki only smiles slightly and then says "You know, break her heart and I'll carve yours out."

Hawks: "I second that."

Bakugou: "Mhm, no problem."

Midoriya: "Good."

Hawks: "Hey, I'm just a tad confused. Didn't shoto date a kirishima, like in high school?"

Mitsuki turns to this and so does masaru, then todoroki says "I didn't date a kirishima. I dated kirishima, but that was a long time ago... very long time ago.."

Midoriya: "I remember that actually... endeavour never found out, fuyumi and natsuo did though, of course. Rei knew too, which is nice. Her mothers knew, it was a lot of people who knew actually..."

Todoroki: "Well, we did go out for a good 2 years.."

Midoriya: "That's true.... what happened anyway?"

Todoroki: "Well... I suppose we just grew apart. We're still good friends though, so it doesn't bother me too much really."

Midoriya nods and then says "Yes.... you'll never forget that I suppose, I never forgot my first. I dated uraraka, but she ended up catching feelings for tsuyu and we broke up."

He shrugs "It wasn't too big of a deal, like you said, still friends. Kiri hasn't had a lot of exes.... that count. If you get what I mean... asami.. was not the first time something like that happened, actually, they had to make sure asami was actually his with a DNA test and she was... Kuwahara Tokaji.. a shame really, there was a chance she could have been todoroki's at that point."

Todoroki: "That would have been a lot better I suppose..... better then him anyway.."

Bakugou: "True.. true..."

Then midoriya's phone rings and he picks it up, seeing mina's contact and answering it.

Midoriya: "Mina? What's up?"

Mina: "Can't sleep... bored."

Sero: "Can sleep... tired.."

Midoriya chuckles "Hey sero."

Mina: "I tried to call kiri, but she didn't answer."

Todoroki: "She's asleep, that's why."

Mina: "Aww, sad. Ok."

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