6 - Surprise Surprise

Comenzar desde el principio

I gulp silently as I step down from the last step and into a dark and scary room. I was right. The air was much much worse down here. I was lucky I didn't puke my guts up right there and then.

As I'm surveying the room I notice a dark shape hunched over itself, I freeze immediately and mutter "Great, just my luck".

The shape twitches at the slight sound of my voice so I blindly grab something light and throw it to the shapes right. As soon as the object hits the floor the shape snaps into action - Snarling and snapping - which confirms my fears of it being a zombie.

I draw back my arrow and when I had it trained on the zombies moving head I let the arrow fly. It hits its target right between the eyes and the zombie falls to the ground with a disgusting squelching and thump sound.

I sigh a sigh of relief and go to retrieve my arrow.

"Its clear!" I shout up to Lenny who bounds down the stairs within 5 seconds.

He gags and presses a hand to his covered mouth "Oh god I can taste it" he moans and then holds his stomach.

"Don't puke on me yet and turn the torch on so I can have a look around".

There's a clicking sound and then light fills the room so suddenly I have to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust and when they did the sight they saw was not at all pretty.

The zombie was male, his skin was peeling back to reveal the bloody red flesh underneath. I look closer because I think I see it moving but jump back in horror when I realise its maggots, a load of them, eating the dead mans flesh. His eyes were bloodshot, dilated and lifeless. His face was disgusting, puss filled sores filled his face like acne, creating a distorted look about him.

I clean the arrow in my hand on the dead mans shirt, gagging because his sight and smell was horrendous up close and I back away quickly to get as much distance between us. Scratching noises on the cupboard next to me make me jump a mile into the air into Lenny, who grumbles in return.

when I make my way towards the cupboard Lenny grabs my arm, which stops me so I look up at him with a questioning look. He give me a pointed look and then looks down a my bow, which currently holds no arrow.

I raise an eyebrow and shrug out of his grip "What? do you expect a zombie child or something?" I ask him and snort because it even sounded ridiculous to my ears.

He nods frantically "Well they aren't uncommon, anything can be turned".

"If it was a zombie child why was our dead friend over there trying to get through into the cupboard?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know, I just know that we have to expect the unexpected to survive"

I ignore him and walk toward the cupboard, the thing inside had stopped scratching and was now silent. I reach for the handle and slowly pull it open, Lenny behind me holding his knife at the ready in case anything in there was not friendly.

As i pull it open something red comes at me. Fast. Lenny jumps forward to stab the thing that attacked me but I catch his arm because he could hurt it.

His eyes widen in realisation of what he could've done "Jesus Christ Lenny. How bout you look at it before you stab it" I say while rolling my eyes and I get up with the help of Lenny.

"I-I I didnt realise, I j-just saw it jump on you" His eyes are still wide in shock and I pat his shoulder in what I thought was reassurance and turned to the dog sat patiently on the floor.

"Hey buddy, what's your name?" I ask it in a baby voice and scratch the dogs ear.

It cocks its head to the side and its tongue rolls out. I laugh at its adorableness and watch as it goes back to the cupboard and brings out a collar.

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