💢Chapter 12💢

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CW: Blood, violence, fighting


As soon as I heard Boreal say "Charge", I and the others leapt into action immediately, rushing at Garra yelling battle cries.

Garra grinned, a horrifying smile marking their snout as they rushed at Boreal, leaping onto his back and stabbing their long, bone like talons into his blue back, drawing blood that dribbled down onto the grass, staining it red. The christmas warden let out a cry and attempted to shake them off and attack them, but to no avail.

"Don't worry, I've got you!" Verdant cried, leaping into the air and kicking Garra, sending them sprawling off of Boreal's back. He let out a sigh. "Thanks a lot Farhaus." He said in a hushed tone. Verdant nodded as a reply before running off.

Now on the ground, Ardor charged at Garra, heavy feet thumping against the ground. But Garra was quick, leaping to their feet and jumping onto Ardor's back, grabbing his antlers and driving him into the ground, inducing a groan out of the valentines warden.

Nimbus lifted into the air, soaring towards Garra and firing her golden star breath at the red creature, gaining their attention. "Oi! Leave Ardor alone you meanie!" Nimbus cried, flying in circles around Garra's head like a vulture, taunting and yelling at them.

Garra then grinned. "Oh how foolish you are, Aereis, I can do that too." They said in a slow, spine chilling voice before firing a red liquid at Nimbus, causing the glimmer flier to gasp and collapse from the sky, writhing in pain as pristine golden blood oozed from her body.

"Nimbus!" Flake cried, rushing over and picking her up, quickly running off to conceal her from harm, even though she didn't want to be.

"Guys, stay back! Don't look!" Saturn then exclaimed, bounding over to Garra with a face of sheer determination.

"Wait! Hold on!" I cried, grabbing Garra and staring into their eyes, activating fear. Garra stumbled back, clutching their head. "U-UGH! Nukzeh you fool!" They roared.

I gave Saturn a nod before covering my eyes as she let out a bright blinding flash, stunning Garra more. "PATHETIC!" The red creature gasped before swiping at Saturn, scratching her across the eye. Saturn growled, taking a deep breath before firing a breath attack.

Wait a minute. Hikorshis don't have a breath attack!

Judging by how the breath looked, it seemed to be haunt breath, which means she must be carrying a dragon plushie. Smart thinking!

It hit Garra, sending them stumbling into a nearby tree and collapsing onto the floor, dizzy and lightheaded.

"Give up, Garra." Boreal snarled. "You are outnumbered."

"Hah, never." Garra sneered, getting to their feet and charging at Boreal once again, latching themselves on his ankle and sinking their sharp, jagged teeth inside of the flesh. Boreal yelped, trying to shake them off, but their grip was so tight it was nearly impossible.

Flake, who had just got back from hiding Nimbus, rushed over and grabbed Garra, ripping them off of Boreal's leg, causing the christmas warden to gasp with pain and fall over, sitting down as he tried catching his breath. Verdant rushed to his side to see if he was okay.

The Gyroudus tossed Garra into an empty clearing and triggered an earthquake, breaking their bones. Garra gave a screech of pain as they collapsed onto the floor, writhing in pain.

Me, Ardor, Boreal, Saturn and Verdant came rushing into the clearing, noticing Garra's desperate form.

"Ready to give up now?" Verdant snorted, crossing her arms as she narrowed her eyes at the red creature.

"FOOLS!" Garra exclaimed, staggering to their feet. "You can't kill me! I'm a warden killer!"

"You can probably kill one warden alone, but all of us at once? No way." I cut in, my tail snapping violently as I dig my talons into the dirt. Is Garra really going to see this through to the end?

"Exactly." Boreal said, nodding. "When we're together, nothing can beat us." He said, giving a smile to his fellow wardens, including me. Verdant and Ardor grinned back, and I couldn't help but smirk at the winter warden as well.

"Well.." Garra heaved a large breath. "I will kill you all anyways! This was what I was born to do!"

"Try." I muttered, rushing up to them and clamping my tail around their red wounded body, swinging them around and launching them towards a tree, their body hitting the bark hard.

"Oh Nukzeh, now you've really pissed me off." Garra hissed, regaining balance and rushing towards me, eyes screaming malice and bloodshed.

I gasped at this speed. Garra really was built for murdering wardens.

Their wardens rage ring grew brighter as they leapt onto my back, pinning me to the floor as they tore their talons into my velvety purple back. I gave a cry of pain, a strong stinging sensation spreading throughout my body as I bled onto the grass.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Flake screamed, crashing into Garra and pinning them to the floor, allowing me to get up as I stumbled backwards. The other three wardens rushed up to me and checked if I was alright, which I nodded to, although I was in quite some pain.

"YOU MONSTER! YOU DON'T EVER TOUCH HELLION LIKE THAT!" The Gyroudus roared, slashing Garra across the face.

"Oh, but this is what I was born to do, mate." Garra spoke in a whisper, a malicious grin spreading across their face as Flake's eyes widened.

"FLAKE!!" I screamed in anguish.

Saturn and the three original wardens stared on with widened eyes.

Garra dug their hind talons into Flake's underbelly, drawing blood, as he was flung into the air, collapsing onto his back as Garra approached him, long bone like talons stained with blood held up high and outstretched, ready to tear into his flesh and rid him of his life.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this in so long, I kinda fell out of love with this game, but I'm back now and my love for CoS has been rekindled! I hope you all still enjoy this story hhehehhfhurbffibvifjn

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