🌙Chapter 10🌙

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NOTICE: I know that the Garra Warden isn't actually all that big, but I decided to make it bigger in this story because it kinda makes me feel weird considering it's a warden and it's smaller than Ardor in the game. Hope you understand lol


I was confused. So were my friends. Yet, Boreal knew exactly who this was. "Who is this 'Garra'?" I asked, looking up at Boreal. He wouldn't share the gaze, he just kept his watchful eye on the newcomer. Verdant trembled. Ardor stared.

"Garra..." Boreal mumbled, glancing at me and at the unfamiliar creature. "They are an 'anti-warden' type of creature. Was created from some breeding program some creatures did to try and challenge us protectors of Sonaria. Nobody knows too much about it, but some think that the creatures of Daimona are involved in it." He explained, still maintaining his calm tone.

Garra simply laughed. "Quite right you are!"

Daimona. I've heard that name before. That's where the Sar'Hingaro lies, and legends say that Hemokais and Kehmadors also came from there. I let out a soft growl. Boreal shook his head a little in disbelief.

"What brings you here?" Snapped Verdant, her foot stamped down on the ground with rage. The Garra Warden simply stared, with a cold, lifeless expression. "I wish to bring no harm. I'm just here to check out the one that they call "Nukzeh".

Boreal was furious. I was confused. "You shall not lay any of your dirty claws on her!" A ring of icicles appeared around him. Warden's rage. I thought suddenly. I looked up at Boreal, then to Verdant, and then to Ardor. "Who's Nukzeh?" I asked, cocking my head. Ardor walked unsteadily up to me.

"That's you, darling."

I was shocked. How did Garra know about me? I was filled with unease.

Verdant and Ardor's warden rage abilities turned on, and they let out battle cries. Is this going to turn into a fight? I thought, whimpered and stepping back to join my little group of friends. "So, you're taking the hard way." A ring appeared around him as well, this one looked like blood.

If the others are fighting, then I must fight too!

My ring appeared as well. It looked like a ring of shadows, to me, at least. My friends looked at me with fear in their eyes. "You're not gonna fight... Are you?" Nimbus asked, still in the air. Her glow was dimmer now. "If you are, then, well, we'll fight too!" Flake cried, wagging his tail like a dog. "But you can't! We're wardens, and if you guys try, you'll die!" I cried. "Nimbus, you're a glimmer, you're too precious! And Flake... Your colours are unique. Please, don't fight!" I begged.

But they were serious. "We want to help you!" Nimbus cried, flying around my head.

"And, besides," Flake started.

"I might know someone who can help."


Hello! Sorry this took so long. CW for the next chapter because there is gonna be a big fight scene!

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