🌪Chapter 3🌪

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"Come on! We need to go!"

Verdant tugged on my arm harshly, she really seemed serious.

What was happening? You may ask, well, let me tell you.

Basically, there was a food shortage in my area, so I went a bit far from my den to find a meal, and then there was a change in the air. I had no idea what's happening, but Verdant found me and is now nagging me to go. Why should I? There was nothing to be afraid of, right?

Well... Actually, I was wrong about that.

"If you don't go now, you could get us BOTH killed!" The spring warden snapped, still desperately pulling on my small front arms. The calm breeze I normally felt was now whipping me. The wind was all I could hear, with the exception of Verdant hissing at me to "go".

Go where? I'm confused.

Night was about to fall. The orange light of dusk shone brightly through the pink blossoming trees. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, it was now cherry blossom season.

The rabbit-like warden eventually gave up and sat down from exhaustion. "We can always find another fourth warden." She muttered underneath her breath. "Yeah, I know, why not find one right now." I snapped in response.

"You are going to die out here so I will have to find a replacement soon." She narrowed her eyes at me and stamped her foot on the pink grass.

And then, what had made her so anxious, had appeared.

A rampaging whirlwind, ripping up trees, bushes, and making quick work of any creature in it's path. It was a tornado. Verdant gasped and then her gaze fell back on me. "Go! Now!" She hissed, once again trying to drag me by the arm.

Willingly, I got up and followed her, my walk breaking into a run. Eventually, me and Verdant were running as fast as we could, screaming our lungs out. The tornado howled close behind, it seemed like the storm was also picking up it's pace.

I could hear Verdant cry out as the winds from the tornado began to drag her towards the storm. I reacted quickly, using my tail to catch her and carry her away from the whirlwind.

The Easter warden panted and then sighed. "I owe you one. I could've died." I could feel her relaxing in my tail. I had forgotten for a moment what we were running away from. The tornado howled once more, becoming even faster.

I cursed silently and started running again, with Verdant barking orders at me. 

"Turn right! Turn left! Find shelter!"


After what felt like hours of running, I found a cave. I quickly rushed in and made myself comfortable. I also released Verdant from my tail. "Sheesh. What a storm." She sat down beside me and watched as the tornado ripped up Sonaria.

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