⌛Chapter 1⌛

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The rain pattered lightly outside of the cave I am sheltering in. The cool air made me feel at ease, even if Verdant didn't like it, me and Boreal tended to thrive in the cooler weather, but of course, I didn't like it too cold, like the outside world on a winter morning.

Boreal actually had to save me from freezing in the waters of the desert oasis after I fell in once. It was really embarrassing, all the Kendylls were staring at us. I am still young, but I am fully aware of the dangers of Sonaria. I was supposed to be their "fourth warden", the one destined to save the land from the looming threat of a volcanic eruption.

How can I even do anything? I am just a normal creature, one who was from an egg found in the redwoods. That was probably why I feel like I belong in those woods. Either way, the creatures of Sonaria would probably have to flee to Daimonia. Oh wait. That wormhole is one sided.

At this rate I did not care if these Gramosses or Jotunhels burned in a volcanic flame. There was nothing I could do even if I tried. It's a natural occurrence.

Right now, I was laying in my cave. Boreal, Ardor and Verdant put me in the cave and told me to stay there. Are you kidding me? And you aren't even going to be a decent parent figure? They occasionally check up on me, but not too often. I have to go and hunt for food myself.

Luckily, I am an omnivore, meaning that finding a meal isn't so difficult. Most of the time, I don't actually go that far from my den. Occasionally, a small creature like a Pero will wander in my den. Fool! I kill it immediately. Verdant says that if I kill too many creatures, I'll be a bad influence. So? It's not like I am your "fourth warden". Nobody picks up a random egg and then calls it a legendary figure. That's just not how it works.

I sigh, tapping the soft ground with my small front right paw. "My name is Hellion." I mutter to myself, making it seem like I had forgotten my identity and needed a memory boost. I stare into space for a moment. "OOH! SHE CAN'T BE OUR FOURTH WARDEN???? SHE'S SMALL! EW!" I yell in a weird voice, before stopping. "I am so going to attract someone with that." I chuckle, wondering if I should start yelling again.

But, I had already attracted someone.

"Hellion?" I heard the familiar voice of Boreal, the Winter Warden. "Oh. Looks like I brought in the Christmas giraffe." I growl to myself, before I decided to meet Boreal's eyes. 

He was obviously too big to fit in the cave, so he crouched down and poked his large head inside. "Hellion. You are making an absolute racket." Said Boreal with a stern tone. "Stop it at once, or else you may become a Vaumora's dinner."

"Even though you are trying to be scary. You aren't." I say, narrowing my eyes. I got up, and walked over to the large Warden's face. I sat down again, staring right into the Christmas Warden's eyes. One of my abilities, Hell's fear, activated, causing Boreal to become severely uncomfortable, and I could feel myself become faster, another side effect of the ability.

"Ugh. Hellion- I- Told you to stop doing that!" He spluttered, narrowing his crystal clear blue eyes. He took his head out of the cave and the raised it. "Why are you up anyways? It is way past your bedtime." He looked at Hellion with a confused look.

"Just so you know, Boreal." I said, staring at my talons. "I don't do bedtime. I have the Night Stalker ability for a reason." Boreal relaxed a little. "Yes, but, sleep is good for you." He sighed. "It gives you strength."

"I don't need strength." I sigh as well, poking the cave floor in a bored manner. "I won't be able to save Sonaria no matter how hard I try." I close my eyes, imagining a Sonaria full of fire, dead creatures, dead plants and contaminated, ashy waters. "Hellion..." Boreal's voice had a slight tone of pity.

Don't pity me! I think to myself, growling softly under my breath. I narrow my black, hollow eyes as I stare at the Winter Warden. Boreal sighed again, it was starting to get annoying. "Well, do what makes you happy." He gave a weak smile before walking off into the darkness of the redwoods.

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