Gathering the Party: Part 3

Start from the beginning

The next thing was pillars across yet another pit. The pillars wouldn't be easy to stand on, since most were angled, and the fire sprinklers were going off above them, making them slippery. I put my bat back into my bag and sighed jumping to the first pillar, landing on both my hands and feet to get better traction. I carefully positioned myself for the next jump, noticing the angles of the next pillar was the opposite of the current one so I would slide forward instead of backwards. I looked at the pillar after that, seeing that the angle was sideways. I jumped to the next pillar, immediately jumping to the one after it so that I wouldn't slide down. I landed in a crouch, holding onto the higher side of the pillar to keep me up. I looked at the last pillar, luckily it was the opposite angle of the current one so I would be able to use my current position only reversed. After, repositioning and jumping again, I managed to get into the same crouch and grab, however I felt something sharp cutting into my fingertips. I held my grip tight despite the pain, carefully getting into a jumping position and jumping onto the safe platform. Yet again, the voice rang out "ohhh, hurts, doesn't it? Good! You deserve much more pain than just that... You know, after I'm done with my brat, I'll move onto the other boy. First, I'll tear his fingernails off, then I'll dip them in salt water and citric acid. While he screams in pain I'll cut out his tongue and hold his mouth shut so he can choke on his blood" I ignored him again and looked at my hand, the cuts weren't deep enough to cut any muscles, but they definitely needed to be wrapped so I wouldn't bleed too much. 

I took out a roll a bandage from my bag and quickly wrapped up the hand before looking ahead at the next area. Next was a hole in the wall jump. The wall was made up of glass with shapes broken out in the middle to have sharp edges sticking out. there were 3 walls, each having a different shape. before the wall, there is a pit (riveting I'm sure), and just after the wall is a platform to land on. I sighed and looked at the first shape, it was vaguely rectangular so it would be easy to jump through. I took a slight running start before jumping though and landing on the platform safely. Next shape was a triangle. I did the same a before, taking a short running start before jumping through to the next platform. There was a slight stinging feeling on my cheek, so I guessed that I had been nicked by a piece of glass on my way through. Finally, the last shape was a small circle, barely enough room to dive roll through. I sighed and went for the jump, ignoring the blood dripping down the side of my face. I managed to dive through the glass, but by bat clipped against the glass, breaking some off. Since my momentum was off, instead of rolling on the safe platform, I flopped and slid slightly, getting a bit of rug burn from it as the glass that broke off showered onto my back a bit. After the glass had settled, the voice sounded again. "Still not dead huh? two more obstacles in the way between us and my revenge. I'll tell you what I'll do to that masked freak next. First, I'll dunk his head into a barrel of oil, maybe hold him down there for a bit. Then I'll light it on fire and melt that leather onto his head permanently. If he lives through that, then I'll cut off his hands and choke him with them, either cramming them down his throat or forcing him to strangle himself." I laid there for a moment to catch my breath before getting up slowly, making sure there weren't any pieces of glass in my back. 

After I was sure I was fine, I looked at the next obstacle, it was barbed wire lines over a floor covered in shattered glass bits. Instead of trying to avoid the wire, I just used my bat to knock them down, deciding to wrap the wire around the bat to add spike to it. The glass floor didn't really bother me that much since my shoes were good enough to keep glass from peaking through. After clearing my way to the other end of the platform, the voice started again "What a cheater. Do you have no integrity or shame? Oh well. I guess it's time to tell you what I'll do to those girls. I'll be real rough with the pink bitch. I heard she is already well acquainted with that though. Maybe when I'm done I'll choke her or just bash her head into the ground until her brain splatters. Then I'll go onto the green one. Weak legs, soft face, and your favorite one? I'll keep her as a pet. I'll break her in front of you, let you watch her cry and beg. When I'm done with her, She'll forget all about her 'big brother' and only have room to focus on her new master." My vision started to get clouded. I couldn't move, or feel anything other than the anger growing in my body. It grew and grew until it suddenly just stopped. My body began moving, without my direction. "How disgusting. How disrespectful. How... boring" 

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