Bokuto Kotarou

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Bokuto x M!Reader


TW: Cursing

POV: It's Halloween 🎃! You and your friends decide to go trick or treating until Kuroo comes up with a good idea the moment you guys see a haunted house.


Third person POV

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO!" A once again, very energetic captain yelled at the top of his lungs. Akaashi can only sweat drop at his volume, "Bokuto-san. Please refrain from yelling too much, you'll distract the neighbors." M/n placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling a tad bit, "You can go off on your own, maybe it's time I watch over him myself. It seems you really need a break." Akaashi frowned and rubbed his temples, feeling a bit happy that someone took over the role of being Bokuto's baby sitter for the day. "I'd like that a lot, thank you, M/n." Akaashi thanked with a small smile before slowing down his pace so that he can walk with Konoha and the others.

M/n sighed and walked a bit faster to catch up with Bokuto who had a bright smile that showed his fake fang, going perfectly with the vampire costume he wore on Halloween. While walking, Bokuto hummed a small tune that M/n quietly listened to, the captain turned his head towards the other male and grinned, "Are you excited, M/n?!" M/n chuckled and nodded, holding up his prop, "Very much so." Before he looked down and looked at his attire, "Though, aren't we a bit old for trick or treating?" He asked, Bokuto gasped dramatically and came to a stop. "H-How could you say such a thing!" He whisper-yelled while gripping onto his black vest in pain.

M/n felt a bead of sweat fall from his forehead, "... Well, the previous houses we went to already asked, 'Aren't you lot too old for this?', and each time they do, a bit of my morale gets chipped off." Akaashi, whom overheard their little conversation, nodded his head in agreement. Bokuto could only wear an expression of betrayal, "I'm hurt!" He fake cried, Konoha grumbled and went to his side to cheer him up.

With the sounds of his teammates praising him and saying, 'You're so cool, Bokuto-san!' His mood immediately turned from sour, to happy. And now he was boasting about being the best captain ever, while the people around him just gave weird looks. "Huh?? What's thiss??!" The team heard a voice yell from afar, hearing someone running up to them. Before someone almost tackled Bokuto down to the floor, a familiar black haired male pulling at Bokuto's ear.

"Someone claiming he's the most amazing captain of all?!! We can't have that kind of attitude around here, do we?!" Kuroo glared down at him, Bokuto grumbled and pushed him off so that he can get up, before placing his arms over his chest. "Confidence is key!" Kuroo could almost pop a vein, "Confidence is key my ass! You're just being cocky!" The two animals began a small debate in the middle of the street walk, while their teammates just watched, feeling embarrassed having to be seen with these idiots.


Soon enough, the two captains made up and continued onto their night like normal. Bokuto was showing off his bag filled to the brim with candy, Kuroo thought maybe he had stolen from the other kids, to which Bokuto continuously denied. Almost like a criminal being investigated, Kuroo didn't believe him and Bokuto resulted into getting alibi's from his teammates, which they luckily backed him up instead of leaving him to be scolded for a crime he didn't commit.

M/n walked right behind the two captains, he didn't forget his mission after all. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't noticed that both Kuroo and Bokuto had ended up stopping in front of him, which caused him to bump into Bokuto's back. M/n held his face and was just about to tell his captain off when he saw where they stopped in front of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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