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The sun had finally gone down and there was still no signs of Alex or Harley anywhere. Knowing Harley, she was using every trick in the book to stay out of sight, but what was Alex doing with her? And why was it so hard to find them both? Alex was probably at her wits end with Harley and it wouldn't surprise me if she just...killed her. The thought alone brought a smile to my face, but I knew it would never happen. Never say never, I suppose, but I've been keeping tabs on Alex for the last year and she's been such...a good girl. The thought alone made me scoff, because I know Batsy Bruce was probably the reason why. He's taking my love through hell and back, as have I, but once Harley is out of the picture...I was going to more than make up for hurting her.

Pulling my phone out, I dialed Frost's number, wondering if Alex had made it back home. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she did off Harley and went back home, which would only be the reasonable explanation to why nobody can find her or that fucking Harley.

"Yeah, J?" Frost answered.

"Have you heard from her?" I asked.

"She contacted Mr. Wayne earlier today, telling him that she was fine, and not to worry."

"And why am I just now hearing this?"

"Kind of have my hands full at the moment." He said. I opened my mouth to snap at him, but stopped when I heard the sweetest little voice.

"Unca Fwost! Unca Fwost! Can you read us a stowey?" She asked, sounding so cute and innocent. That can't be my little one, can it? My sweet Halo.

"That depends. Did you eat all of your vegetables with dinner?" Excuse the fuck out of me? So what if she didn't eat her vegetables! If my daughter wants a story read to her, he better get up and read her a fucking story!


"Good job. Did you have your bath already?" He asked her. This is ridiculous. Is there some requirements for someone to read a damn story?! I didn't understand.

"Yes, I clean! And I bwush my teef!" She said, sounding so proud of herself. Fuck getting a story read to her, my little angel deserved something more. Something grand.

"That's what I'm talking about, high five!" What...the...fuck? A high five? My daughter just had a huge accomplishment, and all he gave her was a high five? Again I say...What. The. Fuck! "Then yes, I will read you guys a story. Go ahead and pick out the book and I'll be in there shortly."

"Okay! Tank you, Unca Fwost."

"You're very welcomed, Halo." He said. A few moments later, he spoke again. "Anyways, I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, but I'll be sure to let you know the second she comes back home."

"See that you do. Oh, and Frost?" I began, taking a sip of my drink. "If you ever high five my daughter again, after she told you her big accomplishments, I'll cut off your fingers!"

" love high fives and what else was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, buy her something! What doesn't she have? What does she need? Hell, what doesn't she need?"

"Well...Alex has been considering getting a little play park built for the girls." He told me, sighing heavily.

"Consider it done." I said quickly. "I'll make it happen."

"You know, can see them whenever you want. You know that right?"

"I...I can't and you know I can't."

"I know you think that by coming around, you're putting them in immediate danger, but we both know that you are one of the most discreet villains in Gotham. Nobody knows of your whereabouts, unless you want them to know." He said. He had a point there, but this arrangement is best for everybody. Though I dread the thought of Alex moving on, dating and marrying someone else, who will become a permanent part of my daughters lives; probably having them call him daddy?! That thought alone...made me sick to my stomach.

"Frost...I have to go. Kiss my girls for me." I murmured, hanging up the phone. I gripped my phone in my hand, closing my eyes, trying to calm myself down by taking deep breaths.

"Breathe, Joker." I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Alex standing in front of me. "Your heart is beating fast." I could feel her hand on my chest, as I pulled her body close to me.

"God, I miss you."

"I miss you too." She wrapped her arms around my neck, giving it soft kisses. "Show me how much you've missed me." I groaned, leaning down to kiss her, but was cut off by a knock at the door.

"What?!" I shouted, angrily. The door opened and One and Two walked in, looking like they were nervous to be near me. I turned around and noticed that Alex was no longer in front of me. "What do you want?"

"We wanted to apologize for our behavior earlier." Two said.

"Yeah, from now on...we'll do whatever you say, daddy." One added. I wanted to shoot them both for interrupting my daydream, but then again...they just want to serve me. And who am I to say no to that?

"Come." I opened my arms and they smiled, coming into my embrace, as they gave me kisses. I was about to move this party towards the bed, but was cut off by one of my men rushing into my room.

"Boss! The fun house alarms just went off! I think someone's trying to break in!" He said. I guess everybody has a death wish today.

"Looks like we're going to a little party, girls." I said. "Gather the guys and their guns. We got some intruders to kill."

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