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The Next Morning

I barely got any sleep last night, thinking that Harley was going to break in and do something to harm me and my children, which I had something for her ass if she tried me. Surprisingly though, she ended up leaving after I slammed the door in her face, but something told me I wouldn't be seeing the last of her.

"Soooo...she came over here, in the middle of the night, crying about how she and Joker were over for good?" Blue questioned, once I finished telling her the story.

"Yep. I didn't even know they were together, because the last time I heard about Harley...she was in Belle Reve again." I sighed, filling the girls sippy cups up with apple juice.

"I just want to know why she came to you of all people? Surely she knows you two don't have the best track record."

"Exactly! I don't know what possessed her to bring her ass over here, but get this...she had the audacity to say she considered me a friend! A fucking friend, can you believe that?!" Blue started laughing hysterically, startling our kids, who were eating their breakfast together.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She laughed, wiping her eyes. "She said she considered you a friend? Even after all the shit she's done to you? Damn! Them chemicals really fried her brain!" I shook my head, taking a deep breath, not even wanting to talk about Harley anymore. Just a simple conversation about her had me drained and I wanted nothing more than to just take the girls up to the big house and leave them with the sitter for the day so I could take a much needed nap, which is exactly what I ended up doing.


After a much needed nap, I wanted to just lay in bed for the rest of the day and relax, but I knew I couldn't do that. Groaning, I stretched out and climbed out of bed, heading into the bathroom to take a shower before I went to get the girls.

For some reason, I couldn't get the conversation with Harley last night, out of my head. She said that she and Joker broke up for good, but...what the hell does that even mean? They weren't even together, at least they weren't to my knowledge, but then again...there was that six month gap where I was pregnant with Heaven and we didn't see each other at all. Maybe he rekindled their toxic love affair? Who knows and more importantly...why do I care?

After my shower, I dressed in some comfortable clothes, before heading into the living room to straighten up really quick. To my surprise, Harley was sitting on my couch, grinning the moment she saw me.

"About time! I've been here almost twenty minutes now." She said, standing up from the couch. Her hair was cut shorter, into two small pigtails, and she had on this colorful ass outfit. I'm guessing this was her new breakup look?

"What the hell are you doing in my house?! Did I not make myself clear last night, or do you need another punch to the face?! GET OUT!" I shouted.

"Oh relax, will ya? I come in peace and...I brought you a little something." She held up a gold chain, smiling widely, as if she didn't steal that chain from Joker. "Let's call it a peace offering."

"Harley, I don't want that raggedy ass chain, that you clearly stole from Joker! Now what do you want?"

"I just want to talk." She said.

"About what?"

"I just wanna'd you do it? How'd you get over Mistah J, even after everything he's done to you?" I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, taking a deep breath, as I sighed heavily.

"I a weird way...he gave me the closure I needed. You can only take shit from someone for so long, before you get fed up, and I got fed up. You were partially the blame for that, was mostly him too." I told her.

"So you're saying I need closure? How do I go about getting that, because nobody believes that I can make it out here on my own. Even I'm starting to believe it." She sighed. Okay...a vulnerable Harley didn't sit right with me, but I damn for sure wasn't going to show her any sympathy.

"I really don't know, Harley. Only you know the answer to that." She pouted a little, looking around my house, before sighing loudly.

"I'm starving, you wanna grab some food? I know a place that serves amazing tacos and margaritas! I'm sure you could use a night out, away from your kid and everything. What do ya say?"

"Yeah, no. I'm not about to hang out with you. I don't even like you and you should be happy I'm not trying to kill you right now." I hissed.

"Come on, please? No one knows what I'm going through, except you anyways, so technically...we're in the same boat." She said, shrugging her shoulders. "Ohhh, we can start our own club! The 'I Hate Joker' club! I know someone who could give us a really good deal on t-shirts." I rolled my eyes.

"You know what you need? Some actual friends, that don't hate you like I do, cause this right here...this is sad."

"Well I tried making new friends, but they're all the same. They think that I can't make it out here on my own, without Mistah J, and they even said that I'd go right back to him if he wanted me to. How ridiculous is that?!"

"Not ridiculous at all, because they're right. If he called you right now, you would drop everything and go be with him. Tell me I'm lying." I said, crossing my arms.

"I...well, I wouldn't! I'm capable of making it out here on my own, without him, and I'm gonna prove it!" She said. "Come on. We're going for a drive."

"Harley, I already told you-"

"All I'm askin' for is an hour and I promise...I'll be out of your hair for good." Ugh, if only that were true.

"Alright fine, but just an hour!" I told her.

"Yay! Come on!" She squealed. Had I known then, what I know now...I almost promise you I wouldn't have left the house with her. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of thinking we were actually going to eat, drink, and talk which we did; but sadly...that was only the beginning.

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