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Forty-Eight Hours Earlier...

They say if you want to tell a story right, you gotta start at the beginning. 

I'm sure you all can remember the jumpstart I got in life, right? If not, let me refresh your memory. When I was a baby, my birth parents left me in a dumpster so that they could rob a bank, and when they came back to get me my birth mother Rose was caught by Batman himself; while my birth father, Monster T, left us and never looked back. Lucky for me, I was adopted a few weeks after being discovered in a dumpster, by none other than the billionaire bachelor himself, Bruce Wayne. 

Growing up in Wayne Manor wasn't always easy, despite me wanting for nothing. I craved attention and rarely got it, because my Dad was always busy working at his company Wayne Enterprises, or out protecting the mean streets of Gotham City. I usually spent time with our butler, Alfred, or my Uncle Robin who would teach me things he knew my Dad was disapprove of; but that didn't stop him from doing so. I cherished the moments spent with the three special men in my life, even though I knew for a fact that I was a handful. 

I never thought I'd see the day where I'd actually become just like my birth parents. A whole ass villain. Go figure, right? I thought I'd be more like my Dad, trying to save the people of Gotham, not terrorize them; but all that went out the window the moment I met...him. My Joker. I didn't plan to become his partner in crime, it sorta just happened, but hey...I like to have fun and that guy there knows exactly how to deliver a night of fun. Unfortunately, like all good things, our relationship had to come to an end. I won't lie and say that I wasn't broken up about it, because we all know that I was, but at the same time...I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Sure, it sucks that he isn't around anymore, but what makes this entire situation even worse is that I have two of his offspring and they BOTH look exactly like him! Talk about a cosmic fucking joke!

After my last encounter with Joker, I didn't see him anymore, and he even stopped breaking into Wayne Manor. I know that he was still in the city, cause I'd hear about him on the news doing what he does best, but other than that...we've done a great job steering clear of one another. I still can't help but wonder though...does he still think of me? Does he think of our children? Sure, he hasn't met his second daughter, but it's not like he doesn't know she exists. Three months after the night Joker and I ended things, I gave birth to my second baby girl...Heaven Diore' Wayne. 

My girls are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so blessed and happy to call myself their mother, despite me knowing how hard it's going to be from them to grow up in Gotham City. It's no secret that people know who the father of my children are, but I refuse to let anyone talk down about my kids because of who their parents are. Anybody got a problem with them, they'll need to take it up with me, and I'm sure nobody wants to do that. 

So here I am now, a year later, and I've finally gotten my life on track. Well I did, until someone decided to swoop in and turn it upside down. Now, I have to deal with some unnecessary bullshit that doesn't have anything to do with me, but before I get ahead of myself...let me take you back to a few days ago. When this shit storm started:

It was a typical Thursday evening and I had just finished putting the girls to bed, when I heard a loud knocking at my door. I usually don't get visitors this late, which sent me on high alert, as I cautiously approached the front door.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It''s me." I heard someone say, followed by a loud, drunken sob.

"Me? Me who?"

"Harley!" Oh, I know you lying. Why the fuck was she at my house? No, better the hell did she know where I lived. Sure, I still lived on the property of Wayne Manor, but I didn't stay in the big house anymore. As a baby shower gift to me when I was pregnant with Heaven, my dad had a cute little house built for me and the girls, which of course Blue, Frost, and their daughter Hazel was staying with me as well; until Frost bought them their own little house not too far from here. I do miss us all living together, but at the same was nice to finally have a place I could call my own. "Open the door, please!"

"What the hell do you want, Harley?" I asked, not bothering to answer the door.

"I need to talk to you! It's about Mistah J!" She cried. "We broke up! For good this time!"

"Okay? What the hell does that have to do with me? My ties with Joker have been cut, so go away!"

"Okay, okay...I-I know I have no right coming over here, especially after everything we've been through, but...we've also had some good times right? I mean...I sorta consider you a friend." What the hell did she just say? She considers me a friend? Even after all the bullshit she's put me through. I snatched open the door, not even giving her a chance to say anything else, as I punched her across the face.

"A friend? You considered me as a friend, after everything you've put me through? Do you remember injecting a bomb into me and my Dad's neck and trying to blow our fucking heads off?! Or when you dangled my daughter over a vat of boiling hot chemicals, all because you wanted Joker to come back to you? I might call you a lot of things, Harley Quinn, but a friend isn't one of them. Now get the fuck off of my doorstep and off of my property!" I snapped, slamming the door in her face. Of all the fucking NERVE, this bitch really thought that coming to my house was the way to go, but if I knew then what I know now...I still wouldn't have answered the fucking door. Thanks to this psycho bitch, I found myself in more trouble than I could ever imagine. 

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