Slender Brothers x Abandoned Fem! Slender Child Reader

Start from the beginning

"Hi there," He coos, shifting her into his arms with a smile. "You hungry?"

She stays silent but nods her head, her eyes beginning to tear up. Maybe this creature would kill her? He looked a lot like her but for all she knew he could be with those men! Her parents sacrificed their lives for her and here she was throwing it away! Still, the sound of a warm meal and maybe even a warm place to stay sounded nice. Splendor senses her unease and begins to hum a soft tune as he walks her through the forest. He can feel her small body trembling from the cold and hurries as fast as he can back home. Once inside Splendor helps Y/N out of her winter snow suit, surprised to find her dirty underneath it all. How long had she been alone?

"How about a warm bath before we eat? Don't want any germs on the food," He tells her. "Please don't worry. I have no intention of harming you. Just want to help."

"A bath does sound nice," She whimpers softly, Splendor smiling his gentle smile and scooping her into his arms.

He takes her to the bathroom and runs a bubble bath, helping her out of the rest of her dirty clothes. He leaves her in the water and hurries away to grab some fabric from Trender. He was nowhere near as good as his brother but he could still create something simple. He makes a (f/c) nightgown for her and even some undergarments to go with it. When he returns to the bathroom he sees Y/N covered in bubbles and giggling.

"Bubbles are fun aren't they?" He asks, panicking when he startled her. "Sorry, sorry. Guess they should put a bell on me."

She stares at him for a moment before she bursts into laughter, Splendor smiling with delight at this. After her bath Splendor helps her rinse off any remaining dirt and bubbles before he helps her out of the bath. He gets her dried off and into the clean clothes before sitting her down so he could braid her hair. Now that it was clean he had a few knots to get out but nothing too outrageous. Once that's done he takes her back downstairs and makes a grilled cheese with tomato soup.

"I'm Splendor by the way," He tells her as he cooks.

"I'm Y/N," She tells him with a smile. "It's nice to meet you mister Splendy."

"Splendy is fine darling," he chuckles, sitting down with the food once it's ready.

She's gentle as she picks up her food and begins to eat it, Splendor delighted by her wonderful table manners. Once she finishes eating he cleans the dishes and takes her to his room. He tucks her into his bed and lays beside her, telling her a story until she falls asleep.


"Splendor! We're home!" Trender calls.

"Where are ya cotton candy?! I got a surprise!" Offender shouts up stairs.

Splendor and Y/N are startled awake, Splendor panicking at the sound of his brothers' voices. Shoot!

"You need to hide okay? It's a game of hide and seek. My brothers aren't bad but they wouldn't be happy knowing I brought some random child into our home. Can you do that?" Splendor asks Y/N.

She nods and slips out of the bed before hiding in the wardrobe, Splendor nearly leaping out of his skin when Offender barges in.

"OFFENDER!" He cries in surprised annoyance.

"Oooh, someone's jumpy. We're you doing the dirty?" Offender teases with a snicker.

"I was n-not!" He cries with flushed cheeks.

"Mhmmm, sure. Anyway, come on. I got something!" He chirps before leaving.

Splendor sighs softly, getting out of bed and going to the wardrobe. "Please stay in here okay?"

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