The Underground city

Start from the beginning

Do you know what's funny Nemesis?I personally bet the brunette will win. I love blue-eyed brunettes.

I laughed at William and said the opposite of what he said:

-I personally think that the blonde will win, you didn't see the devilidh look in her eyes,she clearly will win,I say in an amused tone.

-Wanna bet right here with me and loose?

-I always win the bets with whoever I made them so why would I lose at this crucial moment especially with you?

-Because this time I'll be right, you'll see

Looking back at the ring and seeing the brunette close to winning, I nodded and clapped hands with my friend.

-Alright,so be it and what do you get out of it if you win the bet?

-Well, if you loose then the first brunette to show up here in this bar the next hour, you'll fall in love with her and she'll be yours forever.Easy peasy!

-Don't take me for shit like this I'm not ready to fall in love or love yet. I'm unable to love anyone I'm just good at deeds not to fall in love especially with some random chick.

-That's your problem, I told you what I want.

-And why on earth does that benefit you in some way William?

-Well,I want to see my friend happy once in this life because we only have a life and we have to live it damn it.

-Mm fine I will say what I want if you lose the bet and I win. if I win you will make advances to Denise. I saw you staring at her and I want to do a good deed.I said with a smug smile on my face staring at my friend to see his reaction

Whatever he drank from the glass he spat on the floor and looked at me like i was some crazy bitch.

-Are you crazy or what?Her brother would kill me for a look but especially some advances then I would say goodbye to life. I'm still young I have to live my life I don't need such a thing in my life.

-Well, you decided to play dirty, so I decided to do the same why let it be soft plus admit it you're in love with her upside down

-Fuck you!My friend said already blushing.

Then I turned my gaze to the table where Denise was sitting talking to a friend of hers. Denise was the best assasin along with her brother and they were the best at stealing without being seen. Her brown hair and small black eyes turned any boy on his back, but her brother was always as protective as any brother, and every boy ran away because of him when there was any chance at her. We got along pretty well but I preferred to be solo at best
Like a lone wolf, I would take care of the dirty work and kill myself. I didn't need anyone to guide me. Well only one person mattered to me and that someone was Xavier our leader who kept all the pieces of the puzzle together and every time there was a dispute he solved it immediately.

He was like a father to me because he adopted me when my parents were killed when I was little, so no doubt over the years I began to build a close bond with him and love him like a father.

For someone like me, cold as ice, he managed to find a sensitive corner in my heart. I was the most important person for him and for this place.
I had everyone's respect and everyone was afraid of me, even Denise and her brother

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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