Divorce Papers

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Y/n Pov

"But I only Love Hani," He said again as my tears rolled down.

"I know Sir," I said as he gave me his evil smug, "And you very well know that with you here I can't marry her," He reminded me again while grabbing my hair, "Why don't you just sign those papers and get out of my life, why are you becoming a burden to me??" He grits his teeth at each word.

I winced, my tears rolling down uncontrollably, "I- I'm sorry, but I'm...I'm doing this for us," I managed to speak out, as he grabbed my hair more harshly.

"There is no us," He reminded me, loosening his grip on my hair.

But what surprised me was, his eyes softened for a while.

Just for a while.

But it soon got replaced with coldness.

"Just...Just go away," He said coldly while looking down.

"Oppa!" We both heard a high pitched annoying voice, which belongs to none other than Park Hani

"Oppa," She entered the living room while eyeing me disgustingly, she hooked her arms with Jungkook. 


"What is this slut doing here?" She asked while looking at me as Jungkook glanced at me before looking back at Hani, cupping her cheeks.

"She's just a maid, doing her job, nothing else," Jungkook said so easily.

Another Ouch

"I missed you a lot," Hani said while wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing him on his lips.

It hurt more when Jungkook kissed her back, I couldn't hold it anymore as I looked down, my legs stuck up to that place, I wanted to run away but I couldn't, till Jungkook gives me permission to go.

Another Ouch now

Jungkook smirked at me after breaking the kiss, "Hani darling, hope you'll stay here today," Jungkook said sweetly as I looked away.

"Of course baby, I really like to stay here with you, I enjoy a lot when doing things with you," She said as I bit my lip.

I really wanted to pull her by her hair, but right now, I had no position to do that

"Can I go...Sir?" I asked timidly as he glanced at me before turning back to Hani, "No, I want you to feel what I felt a year ago when you did it with Hyeon," He said as I looked down.

I didn't do it Jungkook

"I'm sorry," I said, "Sorry?" He came near me, and held my chin making me look up, "Do you think, your stupid sorry can heal that pain which you've given me by yourself?" He said as I looked down, "No," I mumbled.

"Better suffer now," He smirked now and went up with Hani.

I know now what he'll do.

Soon I heard them


Moans of him and her

I stormed out of there to the garden, it is a waste crying for him.

I was stupid to think that he'll know the truth one day, guess I need to give up.

I give up Jungkook, I finally give up

"I need a divorce now," I mumbled to myself while hearing their faint moans.

"I'm ready to divorce you Jungkook," I mumbled again, "I'm sorry for being a burden all this time, I finally give up," I said as tears made their way down to my cheeks.

How pathetic, that I cry every time, every single time, only because of you, and for you


The Next Day

Y/n Pov

Knocking on the door, "Who is it?" I heard a faint voice as I kept silent, "Who is it?" He asked again as I was still silent, "Come in," I heard from inside who was annoyed most probably.

Clearing my posture, mustering up all my courage and looking back at the papers before finally entering it.

He looked up, his eyes turned dark in an instant when he saw me, "What are you doing here?" He asked me coldly, I looked at the papers before passing it to him.

He took it from me before looking at it, "I finally am setting you free Jungkook," I said as he suddenly looked at me, "Sir," I added reminding myself that he is no more the same Jungkook.

"Here are the divorce papers, you can sign them when you want, I've already signed them," I added as he looked away avoiding my contact.

Did I see it correct, that his eyes glistened with tears?

"Do say me when you've signed it, I'll move away, or else I'll move today itself, hope you and Hani have a good life ahead," I wished him and was about to go out.

"Wait," I heard him say as I halt at my steps, still not turning back, "Where will you stay, as far as I know, you don't have anywhere to stay," He said as I chuckled.

"You don't need to worry about it Sir, I saved some money, for few days I'll use them until I find a decent job for myself," I said as he nodded.

 "You can move out after I sign, till then you can stay here, and for these papers.....thankyou," He said and sighed as I nodded and went out.

I could see Hani smirking at me, "The slut has finally decided to do something good, anyway, thanks," She faked a smile at me, "Now finally Jungkook is mine, and no one will come between me and him," She said as I smiled at her, a fake one.

"Yeah sure, I wish you in advance," I said and was about to go away when she stopped me.

"So pathetic Y/n, your own husband chose me over you, that is really pathetic, it's good, now you're gone," She reminded me as I looked down.

"Hope he'll treat you well and trust you," I wished her truly as she rolled her eyes, "He will," She said while intentionally bumping her shoulder against mine and entering the office.

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