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winwin is finally able to go home and as planned .. yuta's the one who brought him back, to the place where they used to live together.

"is it okay if i bring you here?" yuta asked. winwin just shook his head. "hmm .." he responded.

he's okay, he's just too tired to answer longer because he just woke up, but that made yuta overthink. he has the tendency to do so after the mistake he did.

he does understand the younger's doing to some point but when winwin is like this, he felt like he had done something wrong.

"you don't like it here?" yuta asked. winwin frowned, "hm? i'm fine with this yuta, don't worry .." he showed a smile.

yuta smiled back at him. it's just his thought.

"it's 7.50 now, you should go to the uni for your class .." said winwin as he looked at the clock. "but you-"
"taeil and jaehyun are coming, don't worry .." he said.
yuta just okayed and went to the wardrobe to change before going to the uni.

overall, their relationship are getting better. they'll talk a lot even though there's only them, they tease each other a lot nowadays too-although some are touching the topic on when they were on a break from their non-existent relationship (HAHA) which most of the time would hurt both party, but they don't let that affect them obviously.

part of growing up bullshittery.

"i'll get going, i've put your meds and drink on the side table if you don't realize it." said yuta because the younger was watching netflix as he prepared all of it.

winwin nodded and just before leaving, yuta kissed winwin's forehead. "bye!"

and they also got more expressive for their exchange of affection. like that, which also never fails to make winwin blushes though it's already dozens of times they've done that.


it took taeil and jaehyun an hour to come. mainly because taeil is afraid that his little friend still remembers the fact that they were not really in a good terms last time they met.

(it's on chap 4 btw)

a knock, and winwin just said to open it since the two knew the passcode to go in to the house.

"what took you guys so long?" winwin asked.

jaehyun pointed at taeil, "he's so stuck up at not going to say sorry for the last time-"
"sorry, i was just pissed off .." taeil cut him.
"i mean you're partially right but it really does hurt," winwin shrugged.

"winn .." taeil sounds like he's whining while jaehyun laughed at him.
"it's okay, come here .." winwin stretched his hand, opening for a hug from taeil. the male gladly took the chance-

"n-not too hard .." winwin hits taeil's shoulder because he's pressing winwin's wound.

after all of those things, they helped winwin with his meds and also ordered some food in the midst of watching netflix. just chilling while winwin also updating johnny on his condition and send some pictures of taeil that he took secretly.

the clock strikes 3 ish and taeil got a call from his work, so he left, and an hour later followed by jaehyun who got called by doyoung to come back home. cute.

and so, winwin is alone again and he just sighed as he carefully lay on his couch and continued watching some netflix. he's just basically cherishing this break time because he has been busy like almost all of the year-by procrastinating and just eat.

his weight has probably increased which probably will made the boss mad but .. let's be wild sometimes.

6 ish and the door lock opened. yuta is back and winwin's sleeping on the couch. the older just smiled at the sight and contacted jaehyun about what they did and if he has eaten, all of those details which made him now currently cooking for winwin. he must eat before taking his meds.

winwin groaned. he definitely slept in a wrong position that presses his wound and it made yuta immediately approach him and asked if he's okay.

"i-i'm fine .. my sleeping position is wrong .. the wound got pressed," he said.
"let me check it," said yuta. winwin only hummed as yuta slowly pulled up winwin's shirt, and thankfully, no opened wound.

"how did you sleep at the hospital?" yuta sighed, he really doesn't want winwin to get hurt.
"well .. i just shift my position to a comfortable one, like .. i couldn't help it when i move when i am asleep so waking up with a pain is not really something i'm new to," winwin replied.

yuta just ruffle the younger's head and got their dinner. a little routine, yuta would cook dinner after he got off from work-which winwin insisted that he will also help with housework when he got better except cooking because he really has the potential to burn the whole house down.

after bathing, well .. yuta bathing, they both lay at the bed and yuta will tell him about everything that happens during the day as he put on the ointment on winwin's wound.

"two students worked on their essay together, they write legit the same thing on it," yuta said. winwin chuckled, "oh come on .. it's not that bad .."
"it's that bad, 100% same, like .. every word and even the lines .. good thing that they have different writings and it is indeed their handwriting," said yuta as he pulled up winwin's clothes.

"why is student nowadays can't cheat .. they're so good with technology but sucks at these .." winwin commented. yuta scoffed, "it sounds like you're encouraging them to cheat, babe .." He started to put on the ointment on winwin's back.

"well not encouraging .. just, if they want to cheat, then .. cheat smartly," he shrugged. "ouch .. not too hard," said winwin.
"it must be because it is an open wound, sorry .. but can you hold it for a while, it's going to hurt .." said yuta. winwin nodded and groaned as yuta put on the ointment.

"sorry .." yuta sighed as he finished applying it. winwin hummed, "it's okay .. we can't like do anything and poof! the wound is gone .." he chuckled. yuta just smiled as he blow on the wound in hope to ease the pain.

but instead of that, winwin's blushing. it gives him shivers, really .. not sure if yuta realizes it. he squirms his body and sighed.

"c-can you stop .." winwin said. yuta looked at him, "oh, why? is it uncomfortable?"
"no it's just .." yuta notices winwin's flushed face and chuckled, "sorry, baby .. you should have told me," he said.

winwin just huffed and yuta finally pulled his shirt down. "now, rest .. i'll be doing my work and soon join you, okay?"

the younger only nodded and tried to sleep after yuta placed a kiss on his forehead. man .. he felt like he's a kid again.

but as long as all is good, all is fine, everything will be okay.

winwin smiled upon that thought and sleep soundly.

awkward? prolly and hello again :D
idk if u have seen the announcment i made hehe but yeah, pls check it and sorry for not updating
the story will end soon, and for all of the love and support, THANK YOU! ILY ALL

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