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yuta has been waiting for hours now. i mean, this is the worst case scenario for him. winwin not showing up. he can't call him, winwin blocked his number the last time he called.

so he called johnny instead, maybe he knew .. only to find out that winwin is at the hospital after an accident.

he got a minor injury and he must go to the hospital. the emergency call immediately dialed to johnny's number as winwin was unconscious.

"i-is he okay .." he asked. johnny sighed, "he's fine .. he's just haven't awake since that."

"oh my god .." yuta felt hot tears coming out of his eyes.

"text me which hospital he's in .. i-i want to visit him," he said hastily. johnny hummed, "calm down, he's okay .. don't worry .." said johnny. "i'll text you the address .. so it's okay."

this accident unfortunately made him unable to join the runway. also johnny had told winwin's mom about his condition and she was quick to say that she will took the earliest flight she get to south korea immediately. winwin is an only child, it's normal for her to be super protective towards him.

yuta got to the hospital quite fast and is also fast to meet johnny. he brought yuta to the ward.

he's still unconscious. yuta just went to his side and hold his hand, "i know that you're going to be fine .. so, please .. be strong," he whispered.

yuta soon enough went outside and leaned to the wall outside the ward.

it's because of me he's like this ..
if i don't ask him to go out, he won't be like this

around three hours later, winwin's mom arrived. she saw yuta who's looking down outside the ward. she did think why is he not inside the ward with winwin .. but well .. it's for later because she needs to see her son first.

a perfect timing as the doctor in charge is currently checking on winwin and so she got an explanation immediately from him–and a few stuff he need to ask johnny to translate to english because she doesn't understand.

overall, he's fine .. the worst it could be is he lost fragments of his memory because of the concussion but the probability is small. she thanked the doctor and looked at johnny.

"something is wrong with him and yuta, right?" she asked. johnny sighed, "yeah .. they broke up, because of a misunderstanding and .. a bit of a problem," he said.

she smiled and pat johnny's shoulder. "it's okay .. and .. i'll talk to yuta now .. thank you very much to look out for my winwin .." she said.

johnny nodded. she went out of the ward and sit next to yuta. "son .." she said. yuta looked up and as he saw her, he bowed. "m-mom .."

she smiled and just hold his hand. "i don't know what's wrong with you two that you guys break up .. but i knew that you're not a bad person to made him feel like this .."

"it's partially my fault .." and yuta ended confessing everything that happened. started on why he and winwin broke up, in which he also ended telling about his family situation, and how his effort keeps failing because of the bad timing, and also this.

winwin's mom hugged him.

"i made him feel like i don't trust him," yuta sighed and looked down, "i'm sorry .."

"you have a bad parents and you must be proud of yourself for being independent and able to live your life normally despite being forced to live a whole new life," she said.

"you've gone through a lot, sweetie .." she said. "i love you so much, and you must know it .. and i really do hope that you don't give up on my sicheng, i can assure you that he could understand you .." she continued. yuta nodded in her embrace, "i- i will .." he said.

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