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an hour ago.

winwin just got off his work only to find an unknown number to call him. he remembered that the director of today's shoot wanted to invite him to the dinner. but the voice is not his. a woman instead.

"is this dong sicheng?" she asked.
"you got a wrong num-"

"no, i got this number from yuta and i just want you to stay away from him .. he's engaged and don't try to break it off if you want him to be happy," she said.
"that's all i wanted to say, and no, i don't need to hear your reasons for it," she said and immediately hang up the call.

he started to think that it's true. first of all, yuta is a teacher and his name has never been publicly said as the son of the nakamoto family company.

that, he also found out himself.

a arranged marriage in a rich family is not really weird though it's as cliche as its sounds.

it surprises him like, he felt like he has known everything about yuta but actually no, he is not. the four years they spent - without dating but constantly being close is probably yuta's game to fool him.

winwin didn't even realize that he could be as emotional as this. he throwed himself to the couch and looking at his pathetic self through the mirror. crying.

he walked out of the room and to the ground floor. finally letting a fresh air got to him. after a deep sigh, he phoned yuta. not even letting the older speak.


"wanna stop?" winwin asked, slipping a laugh even. yuta was confused, "stop what?"
"this weird relationship .. i'm growing tired by it," winwin sighed, not even bothering people who looked at him.
"win? are you good?" yuta sounds worried.
"yep, i am sane to pull out of your game, yuta .. or no, mr. nakamoto," winwin said.
"what are you talking about .." yuta asked weakly.
"i mean you're not even being honest, fuck .. i can see why we're not working out," winwin sighed.

"i love you, i really do yuta .. but i guess it's not our fate if it turns out that you're engaged already," winwin hang up the call and looked up to the sky, to see the water that starts falling. let alone the rain, it's a thunderstorm in his heart.

i'm happy, right?


right after the call, yuta immediately go to the place both of them lived at. but none are there. he drive again to winwin's place and again, no one.

he called winwin's number and nope, winwin probably blocked his number.

engaged .. what the fuck ..

he drove to the elite residency area-where his parents house are. he got to the house and got in to the dining room. where they apparently are having a dinner with three other people. a woman, probably the same age as yuta got up and latched her hand on yuta's. in which he let go.

"look here .. hello there, son .." his father said.
"don't hello there, son me. tell me who told my lover that i am engaged?" he asked.

"l-lover? no, you're engaged-"
"i am not. you don't have the right to decide anything for me, without. my. consent. after you kick me out of this house six years ago," yuta said.

"whaf is this even for? merging two companies? or you need your only son to take over the company, huh?" he chuckled. "fuck it. one thing you should know is that you're decision has made me lost my only happiness in my life .. and guess what? you wanted me to be responsible on a thing YOU CHOOSE FOR ME," he asked.

his father's face turned mad. his mother was crying as she looked at yuta. as if she just realized her doing.

yuta looked at the woman earlier.

"and i bet it's you who called him .. are you sane to actually accept this life misfit?" he asked.

"you little-" but yuta's father got cut.

"don't waste your energy on being mad to me, i am aware that you don't want me anymore, just wait until the media knows about the nakamoto family kicked their own son, oh my gosh .. it'll be a very nice headline title isn't it?" yuta laughed.

"so no, if you really rely on this marriage to merge the company, no. i'm calling this off .." he said to the woman's parents and they were just, silent.

he got out of the house and drive off there. he let out the tears he has been holding the whole time.

without these stuff happening, he might be on an evening ride with winwin by now. enjoying the beautiful sunset that is filled with love, where he would kiss the younger and finally asked him to be his. but no, it didn't happen.

he stopped by the place where he usually watch the sunset. already planning to hate the moment as he watches the sun goes down, and his heart torn into pieces.

seems that i've lost him.

i wanna tell u
the current timeline is
four years after
-according to the last chap of flirt

they have graduated and has their own work

yuta is still a teacher btw.
thank you for reading <3

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