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"can you just let go of my hand," yuta rolled his eyes, trying to let go of the strong grip the girl from the engagement thingy. dabin, her name.

the thing is, the engagement was called off but she's one determined shit. "i love you, i really do .." she said.
"but i am not," yuta sighed.
"why are you so mean?" she whined.

yuta sighed, "and now you blame me, great. you force yourself to me and i clearly do not show any interest to you. isn't it supposed to be me who say that you're mean? you even made me and my lover broke up," he even smiled at the end. "go on, just go wherever .. i'll accompany you as long as you don't do shits with me," he said.

she pouted but walks to other store anyway. but one thing that yuta didn't expect was winwin's appearance in the store–with johnny.

winwin made eye contact with him and smiled thinly. johnny just sighed and mouthed, man fucked up.

the two were in the store to look for an outfit for their photoshoot–not a project. it's for themselves and its johnny's idea, supposedly to distract winwin but this happened.

"does mr. childhood crush contacted you again?" johnny asked, to distract winwin .. with more effort. winwin chuckled, "hyung please, yuxuan is no more my crush .."

and who's yuxuan you ask? huang yuxuan, winwin's old friend and yeah, kinda like a childhood crush that he realizes when it was too late. they were friends since they were a kid and  winwin may or may not have like a feeling of fond for him. 

but anyway, winwin felt crushed. he really is going out with a girl. she must be his fiancee. 

"win, wanna go?" johnny asked. winiwin looked at him, "hm? i found nice clothes for you though, you should try them first," he replied. 

"man does have his taste, I'll put it on, wait here," said johnny as he got inside the changing stall. yuta then approached him, sitting next to him on the rather long couch. literally out of any place. 

"how's the date?" winwin looked at him. "don't make her sad, sir .." he smiled thinly.

don't ..
don't cry, stupid.

"i'm not," yuta whispered.
"i'm fine, don't you worry," winwin smiled and was going to leave before yuta grab his hand and pull him into a hug.

"no, i won't let you go before you hear my explanation, win .. you don't know anything–"
winwin pulled out of the hug and looked at him, "yeah .. i don' know anything yuta .. that's why, i don't see the need to know you more when we're already over," he let the tears fall and finally left.

winwin's crying. confused on how to feel.

i should be happy and relieved, right?
or should i be sad?
but it hurts.
i don't know what to feel ..

he texted johnny that he's in the restroom, yep .. he didn't forget johnny. besides, johnny heard it all .. not that he imagine that he would hear all the drama one door away. and hell, he could confidently say that yuta has done a big mistake. 

in the midst of the thought, his phone dings, and saw winwin texted him that he is in the restroom. johnny got out of the changing stall and looked at yuta who's sighing. 

"I'm here for you, but .. you definitely fucked up big times, dude, i tell you that .." johnny pat yuta's shoulder and decided to buy the outfit. it's nice on him either way. 

also, johnny is not really there to become the emotional support for yuta now, because yuta is more in the wrong, and man .. he really needs winwin to recover - so it's either them getting back together or winwin moving on. 

he saw yuta walking outside, the woman he was with is still browsing around the store and johnny could only walk up to him, saying, "before anything, just end any shits you have with that uhh .. woman or whatever." and left. okay, maybe he wants to help anyway. 


winwin has calmed down. probably .. he was sobbing quietly in the toilet stall as to avoid people staring at him while he's crying, because he's heartbroken .. duh. he sighed and got out of the stall with puffy eyes and red nose. he looks pathetic and he found himself laughing, probably in disappointment or he might just find it funny. he's physically and mentally, a mess. 

johnny got in a few moments after. "sorry, taeil called me earlier .." said johnny. winwin chuckled, "go meet him, hyung .."
johnny got all smug and said, "i live with him you know .. i can always meet him when i got home .." 
winwin rolled his eyes and chuckled. 

that's also a little of my past with yuta .. 


its hard to make a heartbreak story aa :'D
its always hard.

also I'm writing this as i watched a love so beautiful Chinese ver.
marking my 3rd time watching it kajdlajfshlfdakfa

i just wanna share that to u guys soo ..

hope u like it .. ig ^^

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